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teet teet teet teet....

You groan, shoving your pillow on your face to block out the annoying noise. You spent all night doing your homework (even if you didn't want to) with snacks on the side, of course.

After a few more minutes in bed, you groggily got out, pushing the snooze button on your alarm and headed towards your bathroom.

You splashed some water on your face to snap you awake and started stripping off your clothes. You carefully removed the dirty bandages on your shoulder and stepped into the shower.

Warm water poured from the shower head, landing on your skin. You winced a little as it touched your wound. A few droplets of blood would be present as you scrubbed your body with soap and lathered your thick hair with shampoo. The bite looked incredibly horrifying but you tried your best to ignore it.

After you finished, you stepped out and dried yourself with your towel. You quickly wrapped your injured shoulder with a new set of bandages (which was pretty difficult) and put on your school uniform that you just ironed last night.

You let out a yawn as you went over to your small kitchen, grabbing some milk and cereal. You munched on your breakfast in a hurry as you saw you only had fifteen minutes to go.

You brushed your teeth grabbed your backpack and jacket and left the dorm towards your school. You were lucky to live nearby.

Your feet walked fast as you thought of the events that happened just hours ago. It almost felt like a dream. Like it wasn't real. But the pain still present on your body made sure that it definitely happened.

You neared the school gates and you eyes wandered the area. Good. You aren't late. There were students still casually taking their time arriving to school.

As you were looking around, you saw Ayato with this backpack slung over his right shoulder. His thick deep purple hair made him look extremely handsome as he walked. You thought he was very cool, which surprised you since you don't normally think people are cool.

You were stuck between whether you should talk to him or just keep on walking. I mean you weren't exactly popular and was considered the outcasts of the outcasts. You watched as he cautiously looked around as if he were looking for something.

You were about to approach him when a hoard of girls started cornering him as he entered the school. You watched at the sides as he stood their flustered with all the attention. Of course, you, someone who is barely even noticed, talking with now the guy who is being adored by everyone isn't exactly the best idea. It would be if your goal was to be put even lower into the dirt by millions of girls.

"Aya-kun! Do you have a girlfriend?"

"Ayato-senpai! Have lunch with me! I made bento for you!!"

"No! Have lunch with me! I brought sushi and takoyaki!! I worked hard for this Kirishima-senpai!!"

Damnit. Takoyaki sounds good.



You subtly rolled your eyes. You could here the sugar dripping from each word they said and it made you want to barf. A disgusted look slipped onto your face as you put on your hood and walked to class, missing the harsh words that flew out of Ayato's mouth.

A familiar uneasy feeling settled in your stomach as you stepped into the room. It was always like this whenever you went to school. You weren't a very sociable person and you hated mostly everyone. You let another yawn escape your lips as you took your seat. You felt tired from yesterday and you just wanted sleep some more so you decided to rest your head on your desk,finding a comfortable and non-painful position and then shutting your eyes.

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