The End

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No matter how much Ayato yelled and pleaded, the nurse would not let him enter the surgery room.

"The surgery is ongoing. We can't let you in," she said with a calm voice, disappearing back into the room where you currently were.

Ayato closed his eyes and a hand reached up to tug at his own hair. He turned around, away from the doors the separated you and him.

He wanted to scream and vent out all his anger by punching a wall, or maybe someone.

His eyes opened and moved to the white-haired ghoul seated on one of the hospital chairs. Kaneki's eyes seemed glazed as they stayed locked on the white hospital floor.

Without hesitation, Ayato approached him and let his hands latch onto Kaneki's shirt collar. His fist immediately made contact with his jaw and before Kaneki could even groan in pain, he pulled him up from the ground and forced his eyes to meet with his.

"Why did you let her do it?!" Ayato yelled in his face and yet Kaneki merely winced upon tasting the blood starting to bleed out of his lip. "Why did you let her go through with the surgery?! You know how terrible it was! How hard it was to change! And—oh did you forget about the fact that the CCG will chase after her too!" He continued to scream.

Kaneki didn't answer. It was as if Ayato was talking to a limp rag doll who had no ability to speak.

The purple-haired ghoul blinked his eyes as his bottom lip started to dangerously quiver. "Why?" He tried again, this time ever so softly.

When Ayato knew Kaneki still wouldn't speak, he gulped down the arising tears and shoved him back into his seat.

Quickly, he started walking away before Kaneki could see his eyes beginning to pool with rain. He tried his best to keep it down, blinking and letting out heavy sighs, but it was proving difficult.

Suddenly, Kaneki spoke, causing Ayato to stop in his tracks. "She wanted this. She did this for you," he said.

Ayato's hands rolled into fists as he let out a shaky breath. He felt something slither down his cheek, snapping into his senses.

His hand flew to his face to quickly wipe it off and his feet started moving down the hallway again, desperate to leave and run away from the irritating male and those annoying surgery doors.

You opened your eyes and met a white blank landscape. Your hand rolled into a fist when your mind told it to, trying to check if things are real.

Was the surgery successful?

"You're awake," a voice said with a tone of extreme relief.

You moved your head to the side and your view changed. You realized you were just staring at a ceiling.

You could just see a man with purple-hair start walking briskly towards you, to the bed where you currently were laying down. You weren't sure whether you should smile or not.

Carefully, you pushed yourself up into a sitting position and before you could even make yourself comfortable, the man had thrown his arms around you and held you in a tight embrace.

It shocked you a little bit but you didn't really have time to react before he started speaking.

"(Y/N). Oh god. You're awake. You're alive," he hugged you even tighter as he continued shakily, "I thought y-you were going to die. You were going to l-leave me."

He pulled away from the hug and cupped your face with his palms. You noticed how tired he looked. His eyes were red and quite swollen, from crying or lack of sleep, you weren't sure.

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