15- What a Knockout

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I held my breath as I slowly crept to the door of the women's bathroom and peered through the the tiny opening. I saw a guard locking up the museum doors and whistling as he made his way around the museum. I quickly hid again in my stall and I heard someone open the bathroom door. There was a long suspenseful pause as the guard scouted the bathroom to see if anyone was there. My nose started tingling. I covered my nose and frantically tried to breath through my mouth. Ah! Oh n- ACHOO! I sneezed, unable to help it. "Who's there?!" the guard called out as he inched closer to my stall.

Desperate, I slammed open the stall to face the guard head on, but it whacked the guard in the face and he fell backwards onto the sink. I stood there in horror. OOPS! I was planning on just knocking him out, but that works too I guess.

Now I was the only one in the museum. Speaking of being alone, I wondered what Edmund and Elizabeth were doing. Ugh! The nerve of that wench! I bet she has her hands all over him right now. I imagined Edmund and Elizabeth laughing together as he kissed her hand and I bit my lip. No! No time for these thoughts. I gotta focus! I shook the negative thoughts out of my head and focused on opening the door slowly. I walked out and closed the bathroom door, hoping the guard won't wake up for a while.

My eyes wandered around the empty museum and it seemed like no one was here. It was uncomfortably quiet and dark. I took a few steps forward and froze in my spot when the echoes of my footsteps vibrated across the walls. I groaned internally. Now where was that special artifact I was looking for??  I skimmed through all the boring historic vases and statues.

My eyes passed over a nude statue and I quickly looked away. Ugh ew I don't think I needed to see that.  Ah! There it was! I imagined holy music playing as sparkles descended down on the velvet case the artifact sat in. HALLELUJAH!

"Halt in the name of the law! Don't move or I'll shoot!" commanded a firm voice from behind me.

I slowly turned towards another one of those night watch guards and raised my hands up. "Uh I had some bathroom issues sir?" I laughed awkwardly. He did not look amused. I was glad that the museum's lack of light hid my face in the shadows otherwise he'd take one look at me and go running for the hills. "Get over here you criminal! A thief like you belongs in a dungeon!" He chucked cruelly.

He shot me an even scarier death glare when I didn't move. He stalked over towards me and attempted to tie my hands,"Now get-" His words were cut off as I punched him in the face. He teetered for a bit before falling on top of a glass case. His face was smushed up against the glass, exaggerating his cheeks to look similar to a chipmunk's. I smothered a laugh as I tiptoed away quietly.

I spotted the gear part and I approached it, taking in every detail. I quickly scanned the area around to see if there were any booby traps or security of some sort. Nope never mind, just some locks and chains as security. I blew the hair out of my face and braced myself. This is it! I'm really doing this!

I reached the velvet case that the gear part sat in and I took one of the locks in my hands, studying it. Hmm I'm not sure I've ever encountered these type of locks before, but I think I can pick them. I took out one of my special handy dandy Bobby pins and inserted it in the lock. After wiggling it around for a bit and hearing the tiny clicks, it sprang open. I smiled in accomplishment. I unwrapped the chains around it. The second lock was much easier to pick now that I picked the first one. As the second chain came off, the box was finally left bare.

I waited for any type of alarm to go off, but it was still silent. I looked back and saw the night watch guard still unconscious. I turned back and took in a slight breath before slowly opening the box. Inside was Mr. Richard Linksy's gear part that the Agency so desperately needed...

I reached for the artifact, not believing this was happening. I'm doing this! Tomorrow I'd be back in headquarters everyone would see an 18 year old was capable, Miss Leona could see how hard I really work.

Just then I heard a low voice coming from the shadows, it was so unexpected I froze in my place. It sent a chill through my body and I could not move.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. Stop right there or I'll sound the alarm," a voice threatened from behind me.

Who was it this time?!


Hey guys!! *gasp* who do u think is stopping Clarissa this time?!!!!?!! Please vote and comment your ideas and thoughts!! We love hearing from readers :D

Hey guys!! *gasp* who do u think is stopping Clarissa this time?!!!!?!! Please vote and comment your ideas and thoughts!! We love hearing from readers :D

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When Clarissa got stopped from stealing the artifact 😅😅

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