Healing & Saying Yes :) <3

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They Don't Know About Us - 27

Jasmine's. POV.

I awoke because I was so hot, I didn't understand but as I peeled my eyes open Zayn was wrapped around me like a vine, it made me happy that even in his sleep he need me close, I will never understand how this beautiful human before me was all mine.

As I tried to move to cool down he bulled me even closer squeezing my sides, and well that hurt because I was still sore from the accident but it was a pain I could stand, so I tried to loosen his grip but for the life of me he's strong like the hulk.

So I figured I could just wake him up

Zayn, babe I'm to hot and your holding me to tight so let go or everything you own will end up in the pool. I said hoping that he would hear me

But nope still no response, so I tried but failed to pry his arms from around me

So, the next option was to call for help, but I don't think anyone's awake, so really, I was helpless

Zayn, I said shaking him

He just grumbled.

Zayn, babe wake up. I said kissing him

Mmmm, what's wrong go to sleep. he said to me loosening his grip.

I can't your holding me and your making me hot and plus I have to use the bathroom

Shit, sorry baby. he said pulling his arm away.

No, it's okay just your very warm. I said to him

Well, that's what they say I'm hot. he said smiling while rolling onto the pillow with his arms under his head

You're so full of it I said leaning down kissing him on the lips

And you love it. he said to me

Okay if you say so. I said to him rolling my eyes.

Abe we should get up and get dressed I want to go somewhere it's a surprise. He said to me.

Okay, why does it have to be a surprise. I said to him

Because, now up and shower. he said dot me

You're not coming. I said to him

If I had a shower with you I'm telling you we wouldn't be leaving this house. he said to me

Well, then what do I have to wear. I said to him getting up

Something warm, I guess. he replied

So, maybe White Jeans, white singlet and my blue coat with blue flats. I said

Yes, sound lovely. he replied

What about you. I said to him

Just the usual, black skinny jeans, black shirt and my coat with boots. was his replied

Okay well I'm going to shower. I said to him walking out

I'm going to head down stairs and see if mammas making breakfast. was his reply as I shut the bathroom door.

Zayn Malik's. POV.

As I entered the kitchen I saw my mother. she was as always cooking

Good morning Mumma. I said kissing her cheek

Morning son, jasmine okay. she asked

Yes, she's in the shower I'm going to take her out for the day. I said to her

Okay, as long as she's okay, are you going to do it today. she asked me

Yer I think so, I hope. I began to say but my little sister Safaa walked in.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2017 ⏰

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