Moving, I Have to Leave & Heart Break.

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Sutton Edward’s.POV.

As, we arrived in Melbourne. It was weird because every girl I swear in Melbourne was there. They screamed and jumped up and down and even cried. As Jasmine and I walked past and the boys signed some of the girls stuff. There was one of the girls that started on Jasmine.

Your pathetic why would Louis even date you you’re ugly..some girl said to Jasmine

Thanks.. Jasmine said to the girl

Just get out of the boy’s life. They deserve so much better… the girl said to Jasmine again.

Thanks..was Jasmines reply again.

You’re a slut, you’re a cheating Slut,you start dating Louis and go and make out with Zayn… the girl said to Jasmine

First, im not a slut and Second you don’t even know what you’re talking about… Jasmine said to the girl.

Umm I am pretty sure I do..the girl replied to Jasmine.

No you don’t I have been with the boys and someone like you will never be with them so shut up and leave me alone.. Jasmine said on the brink of tears.

You’re a bitch..this girl said again

Thank you very much… Jasmine said again.

I looked over at Louis and then over to Zayn. Louis walked over to Jasmine and pulled her into a hug  and the girls all yelled ‘’ AWWWW’’ then Louis and Jasmine left.

What was going on?.. Zayn asked

Umm, nothing just that bitch fan over there was calling Jasmine  a slut and stuff because you told the paps about yours and Jasmine little kiss… I said pissed off.

Really… he said to me

Yes, Really.. So Louis come over and took her to the hotel.. I said to him

Is, she ok..he asked me

No Zayn she isn’t she’s cut the girl just called her a slut and you think she’s is ok.. I said to him.

I didn’t mean to..he said to me

What’s going on why is Jasmine and Louis gone.. Harry asked.

They left to go back to the hotel because the fans were say things that they shouldn’t have.. I told him.

Really, who was it.. Harry asked.

Her theone in the blue… I told him

 I just may have to talk to her… Zayn told us both

No that’s what she wants do give it to her.. Harry told him.

well someone has to say something… I said to him

Harry some one does have to say something.. Zayn said to him

I will do it on my way past..he said to us

Ok.. I said to him.

Alright. Sutton and Harry lets go.. Zayn said to us.

As, We all walked past her Harry said something.

you shouldn’t call yourself a Directioner cause that’s just wrong.. was what he said and then we continued our way to the car.

As, We arrived at the car  we all hopped in and Liam and Niall asked where Louis and Jasmine were we told explained to them  what happened they just looked and said the fans really need to get over it. We arrived at the hotel and jumped out and went and checked in and Harry asked were Tomlinson was…

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