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"They're free," Jungkook announced, collapsing on the couch next to me. He looks very weary since all he's been doing for the past few days was taking phone calls from multiple different people. "Are you happy now?"

I'm more shocked than happy. Did Jungkook actually want to join COLOR? Because before I swore he was being really suspicious... I mean, he went through all that trouble to get my friends free. "Yeah, Kookie, that's great!" I replied, beaming.

"So can I join --"

"I really don't think that's a great idea..."

"What more proof do you want?" Jungkook asks, throwing up his hands in the air. "I've done everything to prove myself worthy of rebelling!"

I stay silent. I mean, it was true Jungkook did prove himself to be a rebel, however, he could be faking it to get rid of the organization. I mean, he's still the American director who holds a lot of power...

When I don't answer, Jungkook leans in, putting his hands on my shoulders. "If you can't answer that question, then at least answer this one: would you like to date me?"

Okay, what now?! So now this guy wanted to break one of the most sacred rules in the world? To date without the consensus of the government? Was he really that willing to join COLOR? Was he trustworthy now? Should I find out by saying yes? Shit, but what about Yoongi? But I could pretend to like Jungkook! Pretending doesn't hurt when you're doing an important job! Right? I could figure out Kook's real motivation by 'dating' him!

I nod my head, faking a large smile. "I would love to date you."

Now Jungkook is in a moment of shock. "Wait, really? I thought you would never say yes since you said we were 'just friends.'"

I shrug. "We're still just friends, but on top of that, I guess we're dating."

"Great!" Jungkook exclaims leaning in to give me a warm the hug. I nestle in his arms, feeling a bit more comfortable than I should be.

But still, I can't help but wonder if he has stigma... like me.

First Love (Book 1 of the Corrupt Series)Where stories live. Discover now