Chapter 2

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Hey guys! I hope your enjoying the story so far!! I really don't know where its going exactly, Im just going with the flow. Enjoy!! xx


Valerie's POV

I felt the pain glide into my head as I wrote the song. I always wrote lyrics when I felt depressed, it is what I did to fight the urge to cut. I had previously cut myself as a form of healing my depression, but after being found unconscious by my aunt I had never cut again. I had always been able to sing, but I preferred to sing my own, original songs, it was the only way I could express my emotions. Harry sighed and I looked at him, his eyes quickly darted away from my paper and he began to fiddle with his hands. I knew he had read it so I packed it away and tried to concentrate on the lesson. 

"Now everyone, we have parent/teacher interviews tonight. Your parents should all know about it but please do remind them, it is crucial that they attend." The teacher said. I sighed. This was the most dreaded night of the year for me. I was packing my books when people surrounded me, I looked up to see Harry with his popular group. I groaned and continued what I was doing before being interrupted. Harry chuckled. "So Valerie, are your parents planning on coming this year? Or don't they care enough? He said smugly. I felt the tears threatening to burn my eyes. I tried to hide it when Harry spoke. "Wow! No reply! They really mustn't care. But then again, who would? I mean, I wouldn't if I had a daughter like you." He smirked. I couldn't hold it in anymore, I broke down, falling to the floor as tears tears streamed down my face. Harry gasped and I heard a few little whispers. 

"Valerie, whats wrong?" Niall asked, he hadn't been part of the group that harassed me. I took a deep breath. "My parents can't come even if they wanted to, they are dead!" I whimpered. I felt the tears coming harder and I stood up and ran to the only place I felt comfortable. The roof top garden. I hid behind a bush and openly cried until there was nothing left. 

Harry's POV

I instantly regretted saying that, she fell to the floor crying, I gasped. What had I done? "My parents can't come even if they wanted to, they are dead!" she cried, when Niall asked her what was wrong. Oh my God! I can't believe I just did that! I went too far. She stood up and ran out of the room crying. I felt so bad. "Not cool man!" Niall said and ran after her. I envied him, I wish I was as nice, but Valerie would never forgive me now.

Niall's POV

I followed her out of the room and to the rooftop garden. I lost sight of her for a minute and wandered around. "Valerie?" I asked. I heard faint sobbing and ran to her, I saw her hiding behind a bush, eyes red and puffy. She didn't even look up at me. She looked so vulnerable and I couldn't help but hug her. She melted into me and I felt my shirt become damp. I caressed her lightly and she finally stopped crying. Looking up to see who it was, a look of surprise washed over her. "Niall?" she asked. "What are you doing here?" she sounded as surprised as she looked. I shrugged. "I thought I should be nice, and you clearly seem very upset." he said matter of factly. I nodded. "Thank you." she whimpered. She buried her face in my chest and fell asleep. I sat wondering why I had given this poor girl so much grief over the years. She seemed so nice and there was so much sadness in her life. I felt guilty and I would make it up to her. Harry stepped way out of line and I will pick him up on it when I see him next. I picked Val up and carried her bridal style to the nurses office to let her sleep. I made my way to class and gave Harry a disappointed look as I took my seat beside him.

Harry's POV 

Niall walked in and gave me a disappointed look. I sighed and he came and sat next to me. "You've really screwed up this time Haz." he said annoyed. I nodded helplessly. "What did she say to you?" I asked. He shrugged. "Not much, she was crying the whole time. I found her curled into a little ball and let me tell you she looked so vulnerable. I hugged her and she basically melted into my embrace. She's so helpless Harry, we really hurt her. She really is a beautiful girl." Niall said. I felt a pang of jealousy as he said that he held her. Why was I jealous? I didn't like her, did I? 

Valerie's POV

I woke up in the nurses office. Tears stained my cheeks and I felt terrible. I grabbed my bag and walked home. I made my way to my room and got changed. I found a note in my blazer pocket. It read:

0456328465284 if you ever need me just call - Niall :) x

I smiled. He really was a good guy. I jumped in the shower and let the water calm my nerves and wash away the pain. I was just making dinner when I heard a knock at the door.  I opened it to reveal a very flustered looking Harry. I looked at him, unsure of why he was here. "Harry? What are you doing here?" I asked surprised. He shrugged and looked down. "I am so sorry Valerie, I never meant to hurt you that bad. I never should of gone that far." he said, shaking his head. I nodded. "No i guess you shouldn't have, but then again, I'm Valerie Grace, it was bound to happen sooner or later." I replied half heartily. Harry shuffled his feet. "Um, do you mind if i come in?" He asked. I nodded, moving out of the way to let him through. "Make yourself comfortable." I said as we entered the kitchen. I offered him water and he politely agreed. "Valerie, I am really, truly sorry about today, I never would of said it if i'd kno-" I interrupted him. "Harry its fine, really. And could you please thank Niall for today? He was really nice to me." He nodded. "Well, I best be going then." He said and I nodded leading him to the door. "Bye Harry." I said. He waved and walked away.  I ate calmly and went to bed, falling asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.


hope you enjoyed the chapter! I will update soon!! xx

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