Chapter 21

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Hey guys! I hope u enjoy this chapter! x



"Michaela, will you be my girlfriend?"


Harry's POV

Of course I feel bad but this might be just what I need to get over my heartbreak, I mean, Michaela's a nice girl, we should get a long great. She looked at me shocked, and then a smile tugged at her lips.         "Of course I will, Haz!" She beamed. I chuckled halfheartedly. Obviously, this is not what I wanted, It's what I needed though and so my feelings don't count in that. I gripped her hand in mine and we walked to class. People stared and I just returned a smile before minding my own business once again. 

It had only been half a day and already I was pulling my hair out. Micheala was the clingy type. "Harry, come here babe, sit with me and the girls!" She ordered. I groaned and walked over to them. She sat on my lap and did not get off until I told her I needed to go to the bathroom. This is ridiculous! We were going to have to set some ground rules if this relationship is going to last.

I walked towards the toilets, on my way, I saw Val sitting by herself in a corner. It took all of my willpower not to walk over there and beg her to take me back. I'm dating Michaela now. I can't think about Val. 

"Harry! Babe where were you? You were taking ages!" She whined. I groaned and mentally face palmed myself. What was I thinking when I asked her out? I swear I'm in for a hell of a wake up call.

Michaela's POV

"Michaela, will you be my girlfriend?" Harry asked. My eyes widened in surprise. I knew it would be easy, but I didn't know it would be that easy. Smiling, I accepted. "Of course I will Haz!" I hoped my face looked as enthusiastic as I wanted it to.  He linked my fingers with his and we made our way to class. I hope that little Valerie sees this. 

"Harry! Come here and sit with us!" I whined. This boy does not listen to instructions. I told him to sit with me at all times and to never leave my sight. It was harder to be with him than I thought and it had only been half a day!

He walked over and took a seat quite far away for my liking. I got up and planted myself onto his lap. I heard him sigh. "I'm going to the bathroom." He said and began to push me off him. I hopped off and he walked away.

"This is going to be harder than I thought..." I told the girls. They agreed. Their eyes widened a little to warn me to shut up as Harry was making his way back to the table. "Harry! Where have you been? You took forever!" I whined. He sighed and sat back down. 

"Sorry." He mumbled. I turned towards my lunch. I had a salad and a bottle of water. I don't understand how those other girls can eat carbs like they weren't completely unhealthy. I will be the one saying I told you so when they are all fat and I'm the only one with a hot body around here. I turned my head slightly and my eye caught Valerie, slumping into a seat next to Lauren, Vanessa, Emily, Isha and Niki. These girls had no idea what they are getting themselves into with her.

Valerie's POV

I slump down in my seat. It's my first day back and already I'm feeling terrible. Harry is sitting at Michaela's table with all the girls. He looks glum but I can't understand why. She keeps touching his shoulder as she giggles and anger builds up inside of me. Harry doesn't love you! I thought to myself. He doesn't love me. He has a new girlfriend now. My suspicions were approved when she plonked herself onto his lap. I groaned and continued to pick at my food. My wrist began to throb and I knew I had to go. Harry's eyes met mine for a brief moment but I quickly looked away. It hurts me so much. He has no idea. "I'll be right back. I-I have to go to the bathroom." I lied and power walked out of the cafeteria. I ran to the bathroom and searched my pockets until my fingers touched the cool surface of my razor. Here goes. I whimpered in pain. My wrist was bleeding and once again I covered the wounds with band aids. I felt no better. I was a depressed mess and the only one who could fix me was Harry. But he hated me for a false reason. I stepped out of the bathroom and into the hallway before breaking down in tears. My back dragged across the wall as I slid to the ground. My heart hurts. It freaking hurts!


Hey I know this is short but I promise longer chapters are coming. I'm pretty busy at the moment and being the last week of school I get over stressed...don't ask why coz I don't know the answer. I just worry about everything. anyway...I hope you enjoyed this chapter and please comment! Vote! Fan! x

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