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karanormal: mel santiago in her natural state: pissed off and dressed like a 97 year old mantagged: mjsantiago562 likes51 comments

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karanormal: mel santiago in her natural state: pissed off and dressed like a 97 year old man
tagged: mjsantiago

username: cute hat kara!

username: my grandfather actually has those exact same glasses lmao

username: it's unfair that the two hottest girls at berkeley share a dorm room

karanormal: hitomi did you just hit on mi username

username: not anymore i didn't karanormal

thewrightway: someone should tell mel world war 2 is over and she can stop dressing like this

juneharmon: wow yeah where did you get that saving private ryan looking sweater mjsantiago

mjsantiago: you knitted this for me juneharmon

juneharmon: i thought you 'accidentally dropped it into an incinerator' mjsantiago

mjsantiago: it proved to be indestructible juneharmon

username: i wish mel wasn't private but she is so this is the only way i get my daily dose of jel

paulrudd: hair jel

mjsantiago: what paulrudd

paulrudd: i have to go i just thought of such a good photoshop idea mjsantiago

anthonymackie: paul no not again paulrudd

username: i thought their ship name was mune

juneharmon: you're my sun my mune and my stars mjsantiago

username: you look like you're simmering with rage in this picture

mjsantiago: i was probably thinking about june's instagram comments username

imsebastianstan: so for your birthday should i get you prunes or tennis balls for your walker mjsantiago

mjsantiago: remember how you owe me that massive favor imsebastianstan

imsebastianstan: yes mjsantiago

mjsantiago: i'm using it now to make you shut up imsebastianstan

imsebastianstan: i feel like you're being a little harsh mjsantiago

mjsantiago: thanks for letting me know. i was going for incredibly harsh i'll turn it up imsebastianstan

username: a Woman

username: she's so rude wtf why does the mcu talk to her

username: i know she honestly doesn't deserve the attention

username: me: protect seb my son deserves the world. also me: tear him apart mel show no remorse


karanormal: i know i'm so excited i'm writing a song about it!! username

mjsantiago: god is dead

tomholland2013: oh wow mel is alive!

tomholland2013: good to know!

tomholland2013: thanks for the updates kara you're the only way i know mel hasn't disappeared off the face of the earth since she won't let me follow her mjsantiago

mjsantiago: the sheer force of my adorable appearance and clever wit would turn you to ash it's for your own protection tomholland2013

username: my aesthetic is mel tooting her own horn

tomholland2013: fine then we're not friends anymore mjsantiago

mjsantiago: we were never friends tomholland2013

karanormal: aw i'm glad i could be a part of the journey of your love! tomholland2013

juneharmon: did someone say tom in love

tomholland2013: mom don't embarrass me juneharmon

juneharmon: i can't help it my two favorite people are in love you're going to make beautiful babies tomholland2013 mjsantiago

mjsantiago: is there an app to punch someone from 27646784 miles away juneharmon

tomholland2013: you didn't deny our love though mjsantiago

username: can you believe mom cured my depression

juneharmon: write this down in my will

username: it's happening everybody stay calm!!!

imsebastianstan: jesus loves us

thewrightway: um nUT

username: you two are so cute!

mjsantiago: alexa delete my instagram account

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: this manip took six and a half years to make and it still looks so fake rip. i also don't really like this chapter but boom badda bing here it is anyway

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