Chapter 11

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"MS. Rodman!"

I looked up, too see everyone staring at me. I had been drawing in my notebook in English, and I guess Ms. Davis finally saw me. People snickered.

"What?" I asked in an annoyed tone.

Her cold eyes burned holes into my black soul. "I hear you've earned scholarships to Penn, Harvard, and UNC. Act like it,"

Something snapped in me. "If I got all those scholarships, it means I'm already smart enough for college, which is a higher level of academics than the thing that I'm learning in this classroom, which is nothing. So I'd suggest you be careful with your words."

The class was silent. So was Ms. Davis. "Just know that I'll be speaking to the principal about your irrational behavior."

I rolled my eyes and continued sketching.


I was walking down the street back home from the bus stop when I heard hooting. It was Caesar...but he wasn't supposed to be out here. Then, I saw it. Caesar was on top of Douglas Hunsiker, beating him.

I knew that if I didn't step in, someone else was going to. And it would be bad.

"Caesar," I shouted. Caesar looked at me while biting the Douglas's finger, who screamed in pain. "Daddy!" Hope yelled.

I kneeled next to Grandpa, who was on the ground about ten feet away from Caesar and Douglas. Caesar ran over to me and crawled into my arms. I let out a breath and held him, stroking his fur. He let out little whimpering noises into my shoulder. I tried to calm him down.

The next thing I knew, the Animal Control van was
parked on the street and two people emerged, both with noises in one hand. I quickly pulled Caesar away. "Mand-" My dad started.

"No." I shook my head. "They aren't taking him."

By this time, Caroline had arrived, and so had the ambulance, who took Douglas away. "They have to, Mandy." Caroline whispered softly.

Caesar whined and clung to my shirt more. The Animal Control officers approached me slowly. "Stop," I said. "Get away!"

"Look, ma'am," One started. "Take one more step toward me, and I swear-"

That's when they slipped a noose around Caesar's neck and pulled him forcefully out of my arms and into the van. "Hey!" I screamed. They just got in the van and drove away.

"Where are you taking him?!"

"Come on, Amanda." Dad said. He got in the car and started the engine, speeding away and following the van.

Pretty soon, we arrived at some place with a wire fence. 'San Bruno Primate Shelter' A sign on the fence read.

I got out of the car and immediately ran toward Caesar, who was struggling against the officers and was trying to get the noose off. "Caesar," I cried.

The officers tried to drag him into the entrance, nearly choking him. "Wait!" I called. "Please!!" The officers looked at me, annoyed.


"It's fine," I looked up to see an older man standing on the deck. He looked at us. "Bring him in when you're ready."

Dad waved at him in thanks before the officers sighed and let the noose loose from Caesar's neck. Caesar immediately came to hug me, and I hugged back. He started trying to pull me to the car. My heart shattered into a million pieces.

"Let's just...take a look inside, okay?" Caroline told Caesar. He reluctantly let me pick him up like a baby on my hip and we walked inside.

It was the trashiest place I'd ever seen.

The man, who told us his name was John Landon, showed us a "playroom" which consisted of one fake tall tree and a few balls on the floor. A large cage sat in the corner, but I couldn't see what was in it.

With difficulty, I led Caesar to it and walked inside with him. The room was cold and damp. Caesar looked on enthusiastically before turning back and holding his palm up for permission. I brushed it.

"Go on, bud." I whispered softly, tears flooding my eyes.

He ran to a cliff and pointed to a picture of the sun, touching and feeling it, as if it was real. Landon turned. "Lock the door when you leave."

I spent minutes looking at Caesar roll around and hop on the branches.

"Mandy." Dad called.

I took one last look at Caesar before turning and walking out. What was left of my heart dropped into my stomach.

Caesar ran to meet us at the glass, hooting in confusion. He put his head on the glass, and I put me hand on it.

"He hasn't spent any time with other chimps." Dad said.

"Oh, we're used to that," Landon said. "He'll be a little skittish at first, but we'll integrate him. You'd be surprised how quick they adapt. We provide a stimulating environment. He's going to thrive here!"

My blood turned as cold as ice. I wanted to punch Landon right in the face. Lying-

He handed my dad some paperwork. "Can I just, uh, sign that later?" Dad asked. Landon nodded.

"Everything's gonna be okay, Caesar". I said to him, who was now pounding on the glass and panting. I could see his breath. "We'll get you out of here. You'll be home soon!"

"The longer you drag out goodbyes, the harder it is." Landon said. "You'll probably miss him more than he'll miss you."

"Will, we have to go. Mandy," Caroline said.

I rested my head against the glass where Caesar was. The sounds of his muffled cries was killing me.

"We'll be back really soon, okay?" I called over my shoulder to Caesar.

"Just call before you do." Landon said muttered.

"I'll see you again!"

A/N: So, what'd you guys think? I know it was super long, but I had to include that part because it's super important and will be a really big deal the rest of the story. See ya!


Amanda // Rise of the Planet of the ApesWhere stories live. Discover now