too late

24 0 0





But they don't hear

Or maybe choose not to

Who knows

Only thing known is the time that's passed by


Years of being walked over

Years if being ignored

Years Years years years years


Maybe it was days?



Maybe I don't know the times that passed by

Maybe everything's a lie

I can't tell anymore

Sometimes it feels like it went by in a blink of an eye

That it didn't even happen

Other times

It feels that it dragged on forever

A life time

A life time of being ignored

Of no one communicating with me

Not even looking my way

Will this be this way my whole life?

I'm panicking

I can't think

I curl in on myself

No one notices

They don't notice I'm falling apart

They don't listen to my crys for help

They don't notice when my voice cracks

When my smile wavers

All I need is someone

Someone to talk to

Someone that will know when somethings wrong

Without having to tell them something is

Once more

I yell



Beg for help

But no one hears

I curl back in on myself

And when that someone I need finally comes by

Its too late

I shut down

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