Chapter 6

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'The dragon above is the water dragon.'


'I wonder if this dragon can speak too.' I thought to myself. "Hello my child, my name is Rivera and Nurane must have already told you that." The water dragon also known as Rivera said. "Looks like you could actually speak and no, Nurane just told me about someone named Rivera but she didnt tell me who you really are." I said to Rivera.

"Well that Nurane for you, she likes surprises." Rivera said. "Tell me Rivera, Nurane told me that you are here to tell me about my mother, Elementia." "Ah, yes, Elementia sent me here to do that. You see, Elementia really never told you who she really is cause' you weren't ready know yet." Rivera said and I just raised an eyebrow.

"You see Y/N, Elementia is the queen of all dragons and therefore you are the next queen. But before you can be the queen, you must find a partner and you and your partner must be together forever." Rivera said and I just stared in surprise.

"I-I need a p-p-partner?!!" I asked in disbelief. "Yes, but dont worry, no need to rush my child. Your allowed to take years of searching for your partner but he should be the right one for you." Rivera said.

"I know that this is sudden Y/N but Elementia wanted you to know this so that you may choose your partner in an earlier time." Rivera said. "Um...I don't even know if I really like someone." I mumbled really soft.

"What was that Y/N?" "Oh, n-nothing!" "If thats so, I will leave now. Bye Y/N." Rivera said. "Nice meeting you and Nurane, Rivera." I said and then she disappeared. 'It sure was quite sudden but I know that I will find someone sooner or later.' I thought to myself. "Well, time to meet Rose." I said to myself.

~to be continued~

Author's Note:
Hi guys! Sorry if the chapter is super duper short! I'll probably publish another chapter next week. Anyways, thank you for reading! Please vote, comment and follow me!

Word Count: 330 words

Published: August 26, 2017

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