Chapter 18

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After celebrating Jellal's victory, pumpkin man announced a 1 hour break. I went to where Gray was resting and saw no one else besides the two of us. Gray was still unconscious and injured so I went up to him and healed him. After 2 minutes, Gray was fully healed.

"I guess Jellal overdid it with you Gray. I hope that you have a good rest." I said quietly while petting his head. "Um, t-thanks Y/N, but c-could you um, y-your hand?" Gray stuttered out and I noticed that his face was a blushing mess.

I jerked my hand back and my face became a tomato that could put a shame on Erza's hair. "S-Sorry Gray." "U-Uh Um yeah, sure."

Gray's POV

'Why did I ask her to remove her hand? And more importantly, why'd I even stutter in the first place?'

It was really awkward for the both of us and we couldn't look at each other in the eye. "Hey Y/N." I started.

"Y-Yeah?" She asked. When I looked at her, she was really red that she could even rival Erza's hair. "I wanna tell you something." I said. 'What am I doing? Now is not the right time. But if I'll be the first to tell her, I might have a chance.'

"Listen Y/N. I lo-" Before I could even finish my sentence, someone barged in. "Hey Gray! Glad to see your all right!" And that someone was Natsu. "Jellal sure did a packing to you, eh?" Erza said coming inside the room. "Oh, I was gonna heal you but it looks like Y/N already did it." Wendy said coming inside the room. "Well at least you don't have to waste your energy, child." Carla said coming inside the room right after Wendy. 'Great, just great. They wasted my chance. Oh well, at least they saved me from my nervousness.'

"Hey Gray! Glad to see your all right!" Lucy exclaimed coming in the room last. When she saw Y/N, her smile dropped but immediately replaced it with a smile again. If not for my fast eyes, I wouldn't have seen her glare towards Y/N. I pretended not to notice it but I was still curious as to why she glared at Y/N.

After 30 long minutes of chatting here and there, we decided to go back to the arena. "Welcome back folks! I hope that you all had a good long rest! Now let's start the next challenge!" The pumpkin head said. "Our next challenge will be called the 'RoCk CliMb'!" Pumpkin head continued.

"In this game, there will be a wall that you have to climb. In order to win, you must get to the very top first. Whoever finishes first will get 10 points. The 2nd to finish will have 8 points, 3rd will have 6 pts, 4th will get 4 pts, 5th will get 3, 6th will get 2, 7th will get 1 and the last placer will get 0 points!" A judge said.

"Now choose your players and we will begin in 10 minutes."


"So who wants to go?" I asked. "I guess I'll do it." Gajeel said confidently. "Well you sure are confident." I said smirking. "Shut the hell up. I'm pretty sure you'll do the same if it was your turn." Gajeel said as if he was TRYING to mock me. "Well whatever. Just get down there." I said trying to avoid a fight.

Gajeel went down to the stadium and I saw Wendy, Sting, Sherria and 4 other random peeps. "You know the rules. Now let's begin in 5! 4! 3!" All the 8 players prepared themselves to climb. "2! And 1! Begin!" The pumpkin said.

Wendy and Sherria were using there magic to make them fly to the top. Sting climbed as fast as he could and was faster then Wendy and Sherria. Gajeel climbed as fast as he could and jumped front time to time and was tied with Sting. The other 4 players climbed slowly and were still in the bottom half.

"And goal! We have our first, second, third and fourth placers! In 1st place is Sting with 10 points! In 2nd place is Gajeel with 8 points! In 3rd place is Sherria with 6 points and in 4th place is Wendy with 4 points!" The pumpkin announced.

"Go Sabertooth!" "I'm rooting for you Fairy Tail!" "Dragon Slayers are the best!" "Congrats Fairy Tail!" "Don't worry Wendy! Your just a kid, don't over exert yourself!" "Go Sting-sama!" "Ahh!" "Gajeel-sama is so hot!" "Wooh!" Were what I heard from the humongous crowd.

Gajeel came back looking pissed that he didn't win. "Don't worry Gajeel, we're still in first place with 18 points." I said comforting him and touching his surprisingly musclely broad shoulders. 'What am I even thinking?'

"Tch. I don't need you to comfort me. I'm going to the restroom for a bit." He said slapping my hand away and walking out.


'Why does my heart hurt? Wasn't it normal for Gajeel to hit me? If so, why did it hurt?'

3rd Person's POV

Unbeknownst to Y/N, Jellal, Laxus and Mira saw what happened and understood it all.

'That bastard Gajeel, he should be happy that Y/N is giving him attention.' Laxus thought.

'Damn lucky idiot. Hurting Y/N like that. I swear, the next time I see him, I'll punch him in the face and make him see what he's doing to her.' Jellal thought.

Meanwhile, what Mira thinks:

'Aww, the more you hate, the more you love! How cute. I really ship Gajeel and Y/N! Eek! But she also matches with Natsu, Gray, Laxus and Jellal, maybe even more!'

~to be continued~

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading! Please vote, comment and follow me!

Word Count: 983 words

Published: July 17, 2018

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