Chapter 7

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I teleported to where Rose stayed and found her sleeping. 'She must be exhausted.' I said in my thoughts. I carried Rose and teleported back in Magnolia (Yes, Y/N doesn't have a limit in teleporting) and started walking back to my house cause I really didnt want to rely in my magic.

"Mama..." Rose said sleep talking 'So Kawaii!!!' I thought to myself. "Hey Rose, wake up. We need to go eat lunch." Rose immediately shot up. "Fish!!!" "Rose, I'll just go change. Wait here, I'll be real fast." I went to my bedroom where I keep my closet and searched for the right clothes to wear.

"Wow, I look really stunning." I said to myself. I was wearing a light blue tanktop with matching black jeans. I also wore some white choker bracelets and tied my hair in a high ponytail. I then put on some light blush and pink lip balms. After rechecking myself, I went downstairs and saw Rose looking outside the window.

"Let's go Rose." "Wow Y/N, you look really pretty!" Rose said. "Hehe, thanks pal." "Let's go! I really want to eat fish." "Make sure to eat proper foods and not fish all the time." I said strictly to Rose. "What? Its normal for a cat like me to love fish." "Well Carla and Lily doesn't." "But happy does!" "Looks like someone likes Happy!!!" I coed. "As if! I'm already taken." Rose said angrily.

"By that exceed of Sting?" "Wha?!! I dont mean him!" Rose shouted out. "But your blushing!" I coed. "Am not!" "Yah, yah, say that to yourself." I said smirking. "Well whatever! Let's just go eat fish!"

~At the Restaurant~

Rose's POV

Me amd Y/N went to a restaurant known for having lots of delicious delicacies. While eating my plate full of fish, I felt like me and Y/N were being watched, well mostly Y/N. I tried to find the source of it and saw it was coming through the window.

When I looked at the window, I saw bunch of guys like Natsu, Gray, Laxus, Mystogan, Gajeel, Happy and PantherLily. I really don't know what just happened cause when I looked at them, they suddenly disappeared. 'Weird, I must be imagining things. Oh well, whatever just happened, I dont really care as long I'm with Y/N.' I thought and shrugged away the thought of guys stalking us.

"Hey Rose, you seem like you just saw a ghost. Tell me what's wrong right now." Y/N demanded full of concern. "Its nothing! Really! I was just thinking of the people staring at us." I lied to Y/N but she seemed to buy it. (Well it is true that everyone, I mean EVERYONE is staring at you and Rose. Well mostly you. Cause you know, your the 1st Wizard Saint. Anyways, Back to the Story!)


I don't know what Rose was thinking about. She was staring at the window a while ago completely ignoring her fishes, which wasnt like her though. I looked at where she was looking and saw nothing in the window so I asked her whats wrong. She said its just because of all the people staring at us but I just shrugged it off not really caring about what she was thinking.

Natsu's POV

I was stalking Y/N with Gray, Laxus, Mystogen, Gajeel, Happy and PantherLily. We almost got caught when Rose suddenly looked at our way and we all immediately ducked. It was a good thing that Rose just shrugged it off.

"So...Why did you call us all to come here anyway Natsu?" Mystogen aka Jellal asked. "Well, I can see how all of you looks at Y/N. I know that you all like her ain't I right?" "Wow, who knew firebrain was actually observative?" Gray asked obviously insulting me. "Dont you guys fight. Your gonna attract attention." Laxus said scarily. "Y-Yes Sir!" Me and Gray said in unison hugging each other.

"Well to answer your observation, its a yes. I do like Y/N but I'm not planning to lose on you." Jellal said challengingly. "Same here, I'm not going to lose to any of you brats." Laxus said smirking. "Yah, me too." "Same." "No way in hell am I going to lose!" Everyone said agreeing to the challenge.

"Well hate to break the news to you but, its not only us five but the whole guild is competing too along with other boys of different guilds." Jellal said. "Wha?!!" I asked in disbelief. Not only are we five competing but the whole guild is too for Y/N.

"And who are the other guild members" Gray asked Jellal. "Well your enemy, Lyon is. Along with the trimens too." Jellal said. "That bastards Lyon. No way is he gonna steal Y/N!" Gray said furiously.

"Well may the best one win! We need to tell the whole guild about this and make sure Y/N doesn't know!" I said excitingly. "Yah, may the best one win!" Gajeel said. "May the best one win!" Everyone said after Gajeel.

'You naughty Y/N. Look at what you've done. Many boys wants to win your heart. You really are a Fairy Goddess Y/N.' I thought smirking to myself and everyone went they're separate ways with Happy flying behind me. "So Natsu.......who do you think'll win?" Happy asked me. "Obviously me Happy!" I said. "Well good luck winning Y/N's Heart!" Happy said.
'Of course I'll win her heart!' I thought to myself.

~to be continued~

Authors Note:
Hi Minna! Another chapter done again! Anyways, thanks for reading my story! Please vote, comment and follow me!

Word Count: 934 words

Published: August 30, 2017

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