Chapter 8

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After eating lunch with Rose, we went back to our house for me to get change. After changing, me and Rose decided to go back to the guild.

While thinking about the whole incident with the dragons, I still couldn't believe that I need to find my soulmate before I could be the dragon queen.

'It'll probably take forever to find my soulmate. Well whatever, Elementia is still young so I could take my time in finding-' My thoughts were interrupted by Rose calling out my name. 'I totally forgot Rose was with me.' I thought with a poker face.

"What's with the face Y/N?" Rose asked me curiously. "Nothing, I was just lost in my thoughts that I totally forgot you were here with me." I said to Rose.

"How could you forget about your one and only best friend Y/N?" Rose asked fake crying. "Your not my only best friend Rose. Lucy, Erza, Lisanna and Mira are too." I said feeling bad for her. "Hehe..I totally forgot. But anyways, were here already!" Rose said pinpointing to the guild.

After opening the doors of the guild, I could hear so much noise that I could probably go deaf but everyone became silent once they saw me and its like they just read my mind.

"Welcome back Y/N!!!" Everyone said and started cheering. "So how was the job Y/N?" Master Macorov asked appearing in front of no where and everyone became quiet waiting for my answer.

"Well...It was quite easy. I took them down easily and they just disappeared into dust." I said lying and everyone seems to buy the lie.

"I wish I was there to watch and help Y/N fight but she's always protective of me so I never got to see her take the dragons down. Rose said disappointed to try and hide the fact that she's just bragging about me though its obvious to me that she's bragging but I just shrugged it off.

Everyone were silent for a while after me and Rose told them what happened but erupted into cheers after. 'Something's off though I dont know what it is.' I thought shrugging off my thoughts.

We partied all night and everyone almost fell asleep until Mira spoke up with a devilish grin.

"Everyone!" Mira sang and continued. "Let's play truth or dare!" Mira clasped her hands together and all the girls cheered including me while the boys just groaned. "Come on boys! Y/N will join too you know! Who knows? Someone might dare you boys to do something with Y/N!" Mira said cheerfully and then the boys cheered no longer sad while I groaned not really knowing what Mira meant by that.

~time skip by BTS playing truth or dare, not...~

Everyone was sitting in a circle and everyone was wide awake. "I'll go first!" Lucy said. "Y/N! Truth or Dare! Lucy asked me. 'Oh no.' I thought. "Hmm....Umm...Dare?" I asked not really sure. "I dare you to..........." Lucy said still thinking of what to let me do. "To...Scare the hell out of Natsu and Gray!" Lucy shouted out. "Like a girl can scare me!" Gray said confidently while I just smirked. 'I know exactly what to do!' I thought while laughing evilly and Lisanna and Wendy who were next to me moved a little bit away from me.

Since Natsu and Gray are next to each other not fighting and concentrated at the game (which is possibly impossible), I planned on jump scaring them on my invisible mode. And then with that said, I turned myself invisible. "Where did Y/N go?" "Where's Y/N?" "Hey! Where did Y/N go?" "Did Y/N turn invisible?" Everyone kept asking the same questions to each other while I walked slowly to Natsu and Gray's back.

"Mwuhahahaha!" I laughed evilly making sure my voice echoed throughout the room. Everyone seemed to get scared but that wasnt my true plan. I crept up to Natsu and Gray and then........................."Boo!" I shouted behind Gray and Natsu turning myself visible again.

Gray & Natsu hugged each other to death while everyone laughed at their reaction. "I'll get you back for that Y/N!" Natsu said. "As if! I can still hear your moves with my dragon hearing amd I can sense where you are!" I said to Natsu confidently.

Everyone kept playing all night non stop and Mira dared her otp shipped people to do things together and luckily, I wasn't one of them. We just enjoyed the night and everyone just fell asleep while I cuddled next to Rose.

~to be continued~

Authors Note:
Thanks for reading my fanfic! Dont be shy to vote and comment what you think about my story! And sorry if there are mistakes with the words I write cause I'm in a hurry right now. Bye my lovely readers! 😘😘😘😘😘

Word Count: 837 words

Published: September 6, 2017

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