Chapter 17

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Jellal's POV






Let the games begin!

Immediately, all the 7 other players got teleported to other places. I just sat on the ground and leaned on the wall. I waited for 5 minutes before I stood up and went up the roof. I focused on sensing the presences of the other seven. I immediately found all 7 and went to the nearest presence.

The first person that I saw was none other than Eve from Blue Pegasus. 'Eve, eh? This will be a piece of cake.' I thought and looked up to where Y/N was standing. She was already looking at me so I looked away for her to not see the blush spreading across my cheeks. 'I better impress her.' I thought with a determined look on my face.

Unfortunately, Eve saw the blush appearing on my face. "Well it looks like you also like Y/N, huh? Well don't worry, I'm gonna finish you off so that Y/N will look at me and only me!" Eve said determined. 'Good thing that they can't hear us.' I thought.

"Losers like you are the first ones to go down." I said smirking. 😏😏😏

I focused my power onto my palms and released all the energy into Eve's direction. Unfortunately, he dodged it. He was running towards me at full speed and threw his fist at me. I easily caught it. "Is that all you got? Your pretty weak." I said, trying to make Eve angry.

"Grr. Bastard! I'm gonna finish you off!" Eve shouted angrily. He disappeared from my sight and felt a strong kick in my back. I flew towards a wall and coughed up blood. 'He's pretty good.' I thought.

"And now it's my turn!" I brought my staff out and prepared to attack him. A bright light came from the staff that made Eve shield his eyes. 'Perfect.'

I appeared behind him and kicked him as hard as I could in his spine. He flew towards a wall and got knocked out. 'That's gotta hurt.'

I went to the next nearest person and saw Lyon Vastia. "Oh hey Jellal. Guess it's my turn to knock you down and win Y/N's heart!" Lyon said with confidence. "You? Win Y/N's heart? Like she'd ever fall for someone like you!" I said.

"Trust me, it'd be better for you to end up with Juvia and maybe even have a love triangle with Gray." I continued.

"Oh now you've done it bastard! Trust me, it'd be better for you to end up with Erza and maybe even have a love triangle with the real Jellal." Lyon said imitating me trying to get me pissed off.

"Why not decide who will win Y/N's heart through this battle!" I shouted running towards him and punching his side. He coughed up blood and stood up.

"You should be happy that your in the same guild as Y/N. You get to interact with her as long as you want. But lemme guess, your too shy and decided not to talk to her! You should at least use your chance to make her fall for you! If I were you, I would've done that since before. Your one hell of a lucky bastard you know that? I wish I could say the same for me but this is what the world truly is, an unfair place where not every thing you want happens."

'He's right. I should use my chance to be with Y/N.' As I was lost in thought, Lyon ran to me and punched me. 'That hurts like hell.'

"Your right Lyon. I gotta hand it to you. You made me realize how lucky I really am. So that's why I'm not gonna let my chance slip away!" I shouted then ran to him and punched him on his jaw. I appeared behind him and knocked him unconscious. "Thank you Lyon." I said as I looked at his unconscious figure.

I kept running until I found the next person. Rufus from Sabertooth. "Rufus." I said in a low voice. I didn't really like Sabertooth especially their master and his daughter.

"Look who we have here. I didn't expect you to find me so soon." Rufus said in a sly voice. I saw him look at the direction of Y/N and wink. I looked at Y/N and saw her blushing, though it wasn't visible to many. I got angry and decided to end this fast.

"You've done it now. Why don't I finish this fast? Your just another worthless opponent." I said and punched him in the gut that made him cough blood. I then knocked him unconscious because I wasn't really in the mood to fight him.

I went to find my next opponent and saw Gray. "It looks like it's you and me now. Let's end this fast, shall we?" I said. "Not so fast, Jellal. I wanna show off my majestic ice powers to Y/N." Gray said smirking.

He froze my legs and punched me in the gut then my jaw which really did hurt like hell. I broke free from the ice and attacked him. Energy from my palm attacked him and he flew to a wall and let out a loud groan.

"Ice Make: Shield!" He shouted when I tried to attack him. "Ice Make: Tiger!" The tiger attacked me and made a huge claw mark on my chest. I punched the tiger and it cracked to pieces. I teleported behind Gray and kicked his head as hard as I can and he was knocked unconscious. I landed on the ground and saw his bloody head. 'Guess I overdid it? Hehehe.'


Laxus's POV

Jellal won and got us 10 points. I was happy but at the same time I wasn't. I was angry at how he showed off his skills to Y/N. Jellal came back and Y/N immediately ran to him and hugged him saying congrats and thank you for getting us 10 points. "Tch." I was walking away when Y/N asked something.

"Where are you going Laxus?" Y/N said cutely which made it hard for me to not blush and just looked away. "I'm going out for some fresh air." I said.

'Your making it harder for me to not fall for you. Tch.'

~to be continued~

Author's Note:

I'm really sorry for not updating for almost a month. But I hope you liked the chapter.

Word Count: 1076 words

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Word Count: 1076 words

Published: July 17, 2018

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