Bridezilla Moment

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*Y/N P.O.V*

I am actually stressing out, there is literally three weeks until our wedding and nothing is finished! the decorations are meant to arrive today, I still have to see if my wedding dress will fit me and I also need to check if the outfits will fit Doniya, Waliyha, Safaa and Isaac.

I need to relax!

I calmed down for a while, when I heard the phone go off.

T- Tessa Y- Y/N

Y- Hello

T- Hi is this Miss Y/L/N?

Y- Yes please call me Y/N.

T- Ok, it's Tessa regarding about your cake..

Y- Yes?

T- If there is going to be more than 50 guests, you might need to make two more of the same cake. We'll give you one cake free with free cupcakes but you'll have to pay for the other cake, it's the same amount as the first cake.

Y- Ok thank you, I'll just pay you by cheque and send it over to you.

T- That will be wonderful, have a nice day Y/N, bye!

Y- You too, bye.

Gosh! I should have thought about that before, I'm all over the place!

The phone rang again the fifth time today!

D- Doniya Y- Y/N

Y- Hello?

D- Hi Y/N it's Doniya.

Y- Oh hi Doniya, sorry I'm just shattered from all the wedding planning. How are you?

D- I'm good thank you. Don't overwork yourself! Anyways, I have a lot of good news and a small bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?

Y- Ugh! Bad news get it out of the way.

D- Well Waliyha's bridesmaids dress is slightly too big for her...

Y- That was the size she said she always wore! Ugh it's too late to exchange it for another size! What am I going to do.

D- Woah Bridezilla, take a deep breath, mum and I are already sorting it out you don't need to worry about a thing. Anyway to calm you down, do you wanna hear the good news?

Y- Sure.

D- The decorations are finally here and they are so beautiful! And Isaac's outfit, Safaa's outfit and My outfit fit us like a glove.

Y- Phew! Thank you Doniya for calming me down.

D- No problem now where is my silly little brother?

Y- He's sleeping right now, honestly he can sleep through my Bridezilla moment!

D- That's Zayn for you! Anyway I have to go an sort out the decorations. Bye Y/N and remember to relax.

Y- Bye Doniya and I'll try.

I hung up and let out a big sigh. I felt arms wrap around me.


"Babe you need to relax, you are meant to be excited for our wedding not stressed," Zayn said.

"How can I we have so much things to do," I groaned.

"Well everything is sorted out now the outfits, the theme, the guests, the decorations, the cake, and our outfits," Zayn said.

"I love you Zayn so much," I said.

"I love you too," Zayn whispered in my ear.

I just need to relax, and Zayn is the only person who can...

A/N- Well hope you guys have enjoyed this, we are almost close to the end of this series. Comment, Vote, Share and Follow. - Laila XXX

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