Chapter 2

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The flight was long, too long if you ask me. but we finally came to Seattle. I can't believe we are actually moving here.

I'm going to try to like this city even tho i don't like this moving idea. It can't be that bad right?

Well I can't actually be sad and grumpy forever because of this. I know I lived in Boston my whole life but i don't really have that many friends back there. I was never that social kid and the friends that i had will forget me in a month. I never liked hanging out at cafes and spending time at cinema and doing shit with them. So i don't have to be sad about this moving, maybe it will be good for me. Maybe I will meet someone like me? Quiet, shy and just as crazy and ambitious as me. Maybe I will be happy here. Maybe I will change here. Maybe my father will change.

This topic is not easy to talk about. Well my father has a little drinking problem and These few months and past year has been really hard for me. When my father stared with his drinking it was just for fun, but it turned in to a problem and he created dependence about it. He knows he has this problem but he has done nothing to fix it. I don't know how my mother can put up with all the shit he gave us. Maybe that's why she is so happy with this moving, cause she thinks he will change? Will he? I don't think so.

His drinking caused a lot of problem back in Boston. Before it we were a happy family and then one day he came home drunk with disgusting smell of vodka and beer. He was really angry and he smashed our living room, and the best part of it when he sobered he didn't even apologize, he said nothing! Fucking nothing! That morning he stormed out of our house and we didn't see him for about a week. My mother still loves him I know and he promised he will change but it's not that easy. She was devastated by the situation and that when I broke.

That was the most painful part of my life so far. I cried every night I imagined how would it be if he isn't here if he left us, I started hurting myself and ever since I've been going to my psychiatrist weekly. After that night I've changed. I really changed. I know it I'm not anymore that happy little girl that found joy in everything. I closed myself and promised that i won't let anyone in. Those nights with my dad kept happening and I don't know why we didn't left him. He is really a nice guy when you get to know him and when he is sober.

So maybe after this thinking, maybe this moving isn't so bad after all? I want to start over. I don't want anymore problems cause I really don't know if I could handle it.

We waited for another hour at the airport, to check our luggage and to find taxi to our new house.

There wasn't traffic in the city so it took us about an hour.

The house looks nice and polite,two-storey, big yard,no fence. On the right side of the yard is garden and grass looks really fake. House is white and pretty big and there is also balcony.

If I stare at this house anymore my parents would get worried.

I can see this house is beautifully decorated and modern,on the first floor there are 2 kitchen one of them is really small, room, living room , 2 bathrooms and on my floor, my bedroom, my parents bedroom, bathroom and another bedroom.

I am amazed that i like my room. My mother actually decorated it how i wanted. It's colored in darkish red and on my left is my double bed with two bedside tables. Right next to them are double wooden doors that lead to my closet. My mother made it pretty huge even tho i don't have that many clothes.

On my right is my white wooden desk, TV and a little sofa just for me. In front of me are double white windows and a book shelf.

The view goes right to my front yard and I can see the whole neighborhood. Next to my room is a little bathroom, I think it's mine. No, i hope. I don't plan sharing my bathroom with anyone

It's 8 pm and i decided to go for a walk, but i got lost so I had to call my mother to send me the address so taxi can drive me back home.


This is my home now.

It''s almost 10 when i get back and I'm tired so I decided to put on my Dinosaur pajamas and go to bed.

I took my IPad that i can't live without and started reading Divergent until I fell asleep.

Only 4 days until school starts.

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