Chapter Six

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"Well it started a while back. We met in a coffee shop, cliche I know, but he said I was cute and gave me his number. We texted and got close and eventually we started dating. A little while into our relationship he started going out late at night and not coming back until around 3 in the morning. He would come home very angry, and would yell at me. But that didn't phase me very much because I thought it was just a one or two time thing, and that he wold be able to stop. But then a month or two passed by and he started coming home closer to when I was still awake, and leaving the house around 6 pm. He would come home and be angry like usual, but one day he started to hit me. He came home from the bar one night and punched me right in the cheek, I ran away from him, crying and yelling. Of course he said he was very sorry the morning after when he saw the huge purple blotch on my cheek, that I later had to explain to my coworkers and friends. After that night he started to become way more controlling over me. He took my phone, wouldn't let me contact anyone. It then evolved into he wouldn't let me even leave the goddamn house, and I'd have to stay inside all day everyday just to wait for him to come home and hurt me again, I had no escape. I'm here now because he was more violent than ever, punching and kicking.He wouldn't stop once I was on the ground either, just continued to kick my ribs and stomach repeatedly while yelling something at me. I eventually blacked out and when I woke up I noticed I was alone, so I got up slowly and found his phone was left on the kitchen counter, so I dialed 9-1-1. And now I'm here"

Josh stares at me with a shocked expression, his lips parted slightly, and his eyes wide. "Why would anyone want to hurt you? You need to get out of that house."

"That'd be great except I have nowhere to stay"

"When you get out of the hospital, you can stay with me."



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