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A continuation of season 3- Episode 1: Glue

"I lied to everyone that I know where you are, I guess... I just need to believe you're okay." The words from Tara's voicemail seemed to play on a loop in Christian's head as he stared at the phone in his hand. The message was from three days ago and it was annoying as hell, no matter how much he willed the words to go away-they simply wouldn't. Why couldn't he just grow a spine and call her?

After sighing again, he returned the phone back into his pocket. He knew why he couldn't call her. He couldn't call her because she would ask him to come back to the academy. And he couldn't do that. As much as he hated to admit it, he didn't belong there. He belonged somewhere else, probably in jail. And Tara deserved better than that. He knew Ben was the better choice for her. He was the exact opposite of Christian. The skater rubbed his face with both of his hands. It killed him to stay away. But he needed to stay away. In the end it would be better for her. So because he loved her so much, he would stay away from her- from the family he had created at the academy...

But two days later that all changed, when he ignored yet another call this one from Kat. After the phone had finally stopped ringing and the beep that signaled he had a new voicemail, he picked up his phone and listened to the voicemail...

"Christian," her voice gave him the vibe that she had been crying, "I know you're being all M.I.A right now, but Tara's been hurt."

Christian could have sworn he felt his heart stop for a moment. His Training Bra had been hurt?

Kat's voice continued to speak, "And I know you still love her. So I need you to prove it. Come and visit her. She needs you right now. We're at the hospital closest to the academy. If you still love her or even loved her at all for that matter... you'll show up. Well I guess that's it then. Bye Christian. I'll see you later then I guess if you even decide to show up." The recording ended, followed by a long silence.

Christian was up, shoving his wallet into his back pocket within seconds. Many questions went through his brain as he hailed the cab and told the driver the address. Was Tara alright? What happened? Was Tara going to be alright? The questions in his brain seemed to be like a coil. The more the questions came, the tighter the coil got. What if Tara! He couldn't think like that! While taking a deep breath, he forced himself to calm down. Right now Tara was hurt and she needed him. Plus Kat would have told him if she was. Right?

When the cab arrived at the hospital, Christian almost rushed off without paying the driver if it wasn't for him yelling at Christian. "Kid, where's my pay?"

After muttering an apology and shoving some money the driver's way, Christian ran into the hospital without a second glance to the driver.

Just as he was about ask the receptionist about Tara a voice behind him spoke, "Well look who finally decided to show up?"

Christian turned to find a furious looking Ben leaning against a white wall. A teary eyed and a very bruised Abigail stood beside him.

"Ben," she hissed in a shaky, "Not here, and definitely not now!"

"Why not?" Ben snapped rounding on his black haired friend. "He's been gone for three whole months without so much as phone call! And now he just decides to reappear?"

Then the usually happy brunette whirled around and marched over to the Asian boy and shoved him back, "Who even called you anyway?"

Before Christian could utter a word, Kat's voice rang across the quiet hospital lobby. "I called him Ben."

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