Our Time Now

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An alteration of season 1-Episode 16: Free Falling

Music boomed throughout the Sydney air at night as bright neon lights flashed throughout a house. Which could only mean one thing, a party was going on. More specifically, a birthday party for one, Kat Karamakov.

It was supposed to be a happy time. But it seemed to be everything, except that. At least that is to sixteen year old, Kat Karamakov.

She sat in a chair, more than a little tipsy while she waited for Christian to come back.

"Here," he said when he came back a minute later, with a water bottle in his hand. "Drink this. It'll help."

After she took it from him, he sat down in the chair in front of the blonde.

"What were you thinking Kat? Going up there alone with him? What if I hadn't been there? Then what?" He asked. Shaking her head; Kat said, "I don't know, Christian. I'm sorry."

After he sighed, Christian stood. "Look, why don't I just go get Ethan?"

"No," she stopped him, "Please don't. He'd just freak out on me, because I'm not as perfect as him."

Sighing, he sat back down.

"No one is perfect Kat," the skater told her. "I'm not."

"That's what I thought; you and I were cut from the same kind of cloth. One seriously, imperfect cloth."

Then she leaned over, and brushed her lips against his...

Meanwhile, Tara was just arriving at the party. Her eyes scanned the room of sweaty moving bodies as she looked for a sign of her boyfriends or any of her friends. Finally, she caught sight of Ethan moving through the crowd in her direction.

"Hey," he shouted over the thumping music, when he reached her.

"Hey, can we talk?" The brunette shouted back. After the red head nodded, he glanced around the room.

"You wanna go outside?"

Tara nodded and then her boyfriend clasped her hand in his and led her out of his parents' house.

"Look, something has been on my mind lately-"

Ethan cut her off, "You don't have to say anything, I already know."

"You do?" The brunette paled. Her already miserable mood, worsening.

"Yeah, the forte' turns," Ethan nodded, reaching into his pocket. "Which is why, I got you this."

Then he pulled out a silver chain with a small bird pendent on the end.

"You got me a bird," now, it felt like she was drowning in a pool of her own guilt. And no matter how hard she kicked, she couldn't break the surface.

"You don't like it?" Kat's older brother's face fell a little.

"No, it's not that, it's just-" The farm girl was cut off by him scoffing. "My sister goes through all the works just so she can go in for the birthday pash."

"I know. I'm not a big Lucas fan either. She could do so much better." Tara said distractedly.

"Looks like she is," her boyfriend nodded his head toward his little sister, "Check it out."

Looking in her best friend's direction, the farm girl saw the blonde making out with some random guy. Then they pulled apart, and that random guy turned out to be Christian...

For a split second, the brunette stood there frozen. And admittedly, a little hurt. She knew she shouldn't have been, but she was. So with that thought in her mind and ache in her chest, she turned in the other direction and ran. Christian immediately followed, chasing after her. As he passed Ethan, the skater mumbled an apology. Though he didn't know what for, exactly; whether it was for kissing his sister or his girlfriend, he couldn't decide. Probably both.

Once the skater had made it outside, he stood still for a moment; his eyes searching for some sign of the brunette. Finally, he spotted a speck of brown in the darkness of the night. And the skater ran after it.

"Training Bra, wait. Can you please just stop and wait?" Christian called, before he caught her arm.

"Shouldn't you be pashing Kat?" Was the bitter question that left Tara's mouth. The raven haired boy recoiled back in surprise; he had never heard her be this bitter. Before he spoke, Christian released a sigh. "She kissed me alright? And even if I did kiss her, why would you care? You have a boyfriend and we aren't dating."

"I know okay, I know!" She said angrily. "I know I shouldn't care that you kissed Kat! I know that I have a boyfriend and that it's wrong to like you! Believe me Christian, I know!"

"What?" Christian asked after an awkward beat of silence had passed.

"Nothing, just leave me alone." The brunette turned back around, trying to shake her arm out of Christian's grasp. But the skater tightened his hold on her, and gripped her other arm as well. "No, you just said you liked me."

The fifteen-year-old girl nodded her head as she kept her eyes glued to the sidewalk that rested under her feet.

"Ever since that kiss that day on the beach, I haven't been able to get you out of my head." She admitted softly.

"And I know it's wrong, but I can't help it. That's why I was trying to break up with Ethan. And then I saw you kissing Kat and-" Tara stopped, not sure what else to say. What else could she say?

"I'm sorry," she finally whispered with a broken twinge to her voice. The Raven haired boy looked at stared at her for a moment, before he slid his hands down her arms; grasping her hands. Then he squeezed.

"Look," Christian said with another sigh, "Whether you kissed me or I kissed you; we're in this together. Because we both made the mistake."

The farm girl nodded, squeezing back while a sad smile crossed her face. "The thing is though, is that I didn't want it to be a mistake."

Brows furrowing together, the skater asked; "What do you mean?"

"I mean that if I hadn't been dating Ethan, it wouldn't have been a mistake; because I wanted to kiss you."

Christian didn't have a chance to respond. Suddenly, both his and Tara's phones went off. The skater pulled his out.

"...And it looks like this was the calm before the storm." The tone in Christian's voice was flat while he looked at the screen of his phone.

"What?" The farm girl moved to look at the brightly lit screen. That's when she saw it...

There on the screen was Tara and Christian on the beach; their lips locked in a very sweet kiss.

"I am such a horrible person," the brunette declared miserably. With a shake of his head, the skater told her, "You're not a horrible person, Training Bra. You just made a mistake- we both did. Even if we didn't want it to be a mistake, it still happened. And now we're in this together."

Now a little more calm then before, knowing that Christian was going to be with her through this whole situation; Tara nodded her head while she squeezed his hand. Christian squeezed back. "Ready to face the music?"

She shook her head, "No, but I know we have to. So let's get this over with."

And together, they walked back to the party; as well as the drama that was about to come...

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