Fake Happy (Trigger Warning)

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TW: Self Harm read at your own risk 

Fake Happy

"I've been doing a good job of makin' 'em think

I'm quite alright

But I hope I don't blink

You see its easy when I'm stomping on a beat

But no one sees me when I crawl back underneath

If I smile with my teeth

Bet you believe me

If I smile with my teeth

I think I believe me

Oh please don't ask me how I've been

Don't make me play pretend

Oh no, oh what's the use

Oh please, I bet everybody here is fake happy too"



In Between the Episodes: Second Chances and Shortcut Clause

"Thank you Mr. Reed, for that simply astounding routine." The elderly, snooty lady with the small white dog said, "We would be very pleased to welcome you back to the academy with of course the condition of probation until you have made up the hours you missed."

Christian lips curled in anger, but he held his tongue. In the back of his mind, he knew he should be grateful that they were letting him back in the academy anyways since it was three weeks into the year. Thinking about this led him back to Tara. Guilt instantly pooled in his stomach about what he said to her earlier. Although he knew the brunette was only trying to help him, she could be a little overbearing at times. He made a mental note to apologize to her later.

It was a little after lunch when they finally dismissed him. Christian had just changed out of his tights when he saw her standing in line for her food. Sneaking up behind her, he handed a wad of money to the cashier before Tara could.

"Thanks," the brunette said as she turned and saw him standing there. But she barely spared him a glance while she brushed past him and walked away. Christian sighed. He knew she'd be like this after what he said. Although he didn't really blame her, Christian hoped she wouldn't be too mad. Clearly, he was wrong. He jogged after her.

"Hey," he called, before catching her arm.

"Why are you wearing a sweater? It's really hot out here." He didn't miss the way she flinched back as his fingertips made contact with her skin. Christian immediately withdrew his hand.

"Tara?" He questioned in a concerned voice. But she merely shook her head and stalked off. Christian stared after her. He knew she was mad; she had every reason to be. But something in Christian's gut told him something wasn't right. He couldn't be sure, but a nagging feeling told him something was wrong with Tara.

His worry only grew Ollie told him later that night, that only he and Abigail were talking to the brunette.

"Grace hadn't talked to her since Abigail's party about a week ago when she pushed Abigail's cake into the pool. Ben hasn't spoken to her she broke up with him, saying it didn't feel right. It felt forced and he took off with Saskia into the sunset. Her and Kat had a falling out that neither party will open up about to Abi or I. We've tried everything. And even then, they're both closed off. It's gotten worse since the beginning of the year. But even before things were bad, they were still pretty closed off from everyone...from each other."

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