Highly Wanted

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High- A state of high spirits or euphoria.

When people get high, you usually think of drugs. For me, well...that isn't exactly true. My high wasn't a drug; it was a person...Christian Reed, to be exact.

For the record, when it first happened-I didn't mean for it to. I was happy with Ethan-I was. Or maybe I had tricked myself into believing that for so long, that I finally fell into the black hole and drowned in its inky depth. But now, Christian had pulled me out and I was standing at the crossroads-not completely sure of who to choose...

I had been going back and forth for the past week. Mulling over about each boy, I made a mini pro and con list in my head about each of them.

Looking back now, I was never actually in love with Ethan as a person, but the idea of him. Then in the same instance, the more time I spent with Christian-the more I felt the butterflies. Not at all like the butterflies had used to get when I am or was with Ethan.

At first I had tried to shake it off-the butterflies with Christian. Like when we were dancing together, I acted like his hands didn't leave sparks on my waist.

Then I had to act like my heart didn't melt when he rescued me that night when I was left sitting outside of the club by Lucas and Kat. That's when his feelings for me were first shown and I was given hope and my feelings first started to develop. But I had pushed him away because I had Ethan and I was not a cheater.

Then I tried to ignore him and my feelings for him. Going as far as when I had to be around him, I was angry.

So that is how I found myself screaming at him while were dancing for Ethan's video, for almost dropping me when I knew it was my fault.

"Okay," Ethan's voice broke through our fighting, "What's the problem? I thought you two were getting along these days."

"It has nothing to do with that," I mumbled looking at my feet. Shaking his head, my boyfriend went back to his camera. "I think I've got everything I needed anyway."

"But we haven't even got a full take yet!" I protested with a frown. Ethan shrugged his shoulders, "I'll work with what I've got."

Then he walked out of the studio, leaving Christian and I with a screeching bang of the studio door.

We stared at each other for a moment, before I grabbed my stuff and tried to make my way out of the studio. But Christian's hand on my arm stopped me.

"What?" I snapped as I yanked my arm away from his hand, which had left a permanent trail of fire where it had been. He scowled at me, "Oh I don't know, I guess I'm just wondering why you're being such a bitch to me."

"You're the one who's being an ass," I said with a bite to my tone. Christian's eyes widened slightly as did my own. I never cussed. Taking a step back, he grabbed his bag from the floor. Then he too walked out and I was left alone in the studio...

I thought I was rid of him. At least for a while anyway. So I was shocked to see him standing above me while I was watching Petra's dog, Ziggy for her while she and Kat contacted her real owner.

"Can I help you?" I asked with a glare on my face. He smirked at me, "I just realized we never talk anymore. We're supposed to be getting along better these days."

"We never talked," I told him.

He sat down beside me, our thighs touching. I felt his fire like skin against mine. "So when are you going to tell me what your problem is with me?"

I sighed, "I'm busy Christian and I don't have a problem with you."

"Yeah, well-" Christian had begun to say but was stopped short by Kat and Petra walking up to us.

"So that was Lady Curlington's owners. Seriously, who names a dog that?" She laughed looking down, "Hey, where's the dog?"

All four of us looked around, calling out for Ziggy. But she was nowhere to be seen.

"Okay," my best friend sighed, "It couldn't have gotten far. We'll split up. Tara and Christian-you head down the back way to the beach. Petra and I will head down to the beach. Okay?"

No, this wasn't 'okay' I couldn't be alone with him, but before I could say anything they had already started to walk away. With a frown, I turned to Christian; only to see him smirking smugly at me. "Come on Training Bra, we've got a dog to find!"

Then he started to walk away. Sighing, I trailed after him. He was enjoying this way too much...

Don't ask me how we got onto the subject, but we did. Suddenly, I was listing everything I found attractive about him. But at the same time, acting like I hated them.

"Your mole," I told him as we walked down a small flight of stairs.

"My mole? What's wrong with my mole?" He asked with slight amusement in his tone.

I sighed exasperatedly, "It just irks me. It sits there. Then curves upward when you smirk. This brings me to you smirking all the time."

"I do not smirk all the time." There was that gleam that I love in his eyes.

"Yes, you do," I told him, trying to keep up with him as we crossed a small grassy area.

Finally, we reached the back way into the beach.

"Then there's you having an answer for everything," I said, narrowly missing a crack in the rocks that we were now standing on.

"Like my smirk?" Christian put his hands on my waist to help me off a small four feet cliff that I had sat down on.


Truth be told, it was both a blessing and a curse that Christian had an answer to everything. Most of the time it was sarcastic remark in a normal situation. But if you were in a bad situation with Christian, he would know exactly what to do and he would do it all with a level head.

We had found her. After looking a little ways on the beach, we had found Ziggy/Lady Curlington.

"I'll get it," Christian told me then he walked slowly to the small dog, "C'here boy."

"It's a girl," I told him with a snide tone.

"Here girl," he said a bit dejectedly. I made my way around to the other side to help him. Soon, we were both calling for her.

After a minute or so, Christian looked up. "We going to have to grab her,"

I nodded. He got into a crouching position as did I.

"And...now," he said and we both dove into the sand. But it was too late, the dog had already moved...

Now we lay there looking into each other's eyes...His brown ones looking so warm...and that's how it happened. I leaned in and pressed my lips ever so gently to his...

In those mere ten seconds, I felt like I was doing something I always wanted to do-fly. While 'flying' I saw bright sunset colors, and felt myself getting more lightheaded and dizzy with each passing second.

That's how my 'high' with Christian all started. If only I knew beforehand all the drama this one kiss would cause-all because of one picture falling into the wrong hands...


Hey, Guys! If you read Mute and have read my Thank You Note, this is the story I was debating about putting up! So I posted the first chapter on here and if you want to see the rest of it, vote/comment and I will! Hope you have an awesome day/night!

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