Catch Me

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Alteration of Season 2-Episode 26: The Red Shoes

"You guys didn't need to get me anything." Christian told the people that were sitting around beside him on the blanket.

"That's what I said," Kat teased playfully, "We should just ignore your eighteenth birthday." Then she shoved the brightly colored bag to his chest with a grin. Taking hold of the bag, the skater pulled out a black leather jacket.

"I hate that you're riding, but apparently this is the safest. It's all in the double stitching." Tara told him. Abigail nodded her head, "It was Sammy's idea. He got us all to put in ages ago."

With one more glance to the jacket in his hands; he told he friends, "Thanks guys. This is great."

And with that thought, Ethan started a new conversation about the upcoming holidays: his, involving his family and Spain.

"I was gonna invite anyone who wants to come back to the farm." The farm girl told her friends as her boyfriend walked up behind her. "I know it doesn't compare to Europe but..."

"I haven't been to Spain, but the farm's pretty special..." The birthday boy chimed in. Tara shot him a small smile.

"Um can I talk to for a second?" Ben asked nervously with his hands shoved into his pockets. For a moment the brunette looked taken back, but then she nodded and stood up. They walked a little ways away until the group was out of ear shot.

"I was ranked third in Nationals. It only makes sense they ask." Ben was trying to explain that they judges had asked him to participate in the Pre' and was asking for Tara's blessing to do so all at the same time. But that only made the farm girl angry. "Sammy earned that place. How could you even be thinking about it?"

While giving a small shake of his head; her boyfriend told her, "I can't not. Competing in the Pre' is a once in a lifetime opportunity. It affects my whole career."

"An opportunity?" her eyes seemed to grow slightly bigger while her anger grew. "You'd be dancing on his grave." She told him harshly as Abigail walked up with drinks in her hands.

"Ignore her Ben," the dark haired girl told him handing them both a drink, "You'd be moronic not to compete. She's just feeling guilty, because she is using Sammy as an excuse not to compete."

"Am I?" Retorted Tara. Nodding, Abigail told her; "Grace declared war. And you're not going to even try to take her down because you sacred and using the grief card as an excuse." Before walking away, she told him; "You should do it."

Not wanting to be angry anymore then she already was, Tara started to walk away. But Ben's hand on her arm stopped her. "I need to talk to you about something else to."

"What?" She didn't turn back around to even look at him.

"I think we should break up." He told her. This time she did turn around and face him. "What? Why?"

Sighing, the brunette grabbed Tara's chin and moved her face so she was looking at Christian. Whom of which, was trying on his new jacket.

"Christian?" She asked, after she had jerked her face out of his grip. "What does Christian have to do with this?"

As he rolled his eyes; he told her, "Come on Tara, I'm not blind! Anyone with eyes can clearly see you still have feelings for him. And I really don't want to be the one to stand in the way of that or the one you settle for. So, I'm breaking up with you. I'm sorry."

Then he leaned down and kissed her cheek one last time, and walked away. After that little conversation, the farm girl kept as far away from Ben as possible as they continued to celebrate Christian's birthday.

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