Alone Together

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An alteration of Season 3: Episode 8: Traveling Light and the start of Episode 9: Don't Let Me down Gently

Christian watched the performance from backstage with sick feeling in his gut. Trying to block out the rest of it, he shut his eyes. But he knew it wouldn't help. He already knew how it felt to dance with be her Romeo...

He shook that thought from his head. It was him who said he didn't want to be with her. But now...Again, he shook his head, trying to stop that thought from forming.

She's with Ben now. She's happy now. He tried to convince himself, but a voice in the back of his head was saying; do you know that for sure?

Finally, the performance ended and Christian released a breath he didn't know he had been holding. But then he was suffocated as he watched Tara kiss Ben. With a huff, the skater turned around. He walked over to where the other third years were gathering around Zach.

Christian sat down at the edge of the stage while Zach was explaining the game plan for the next day.

"Now," his teacher was saying, "We will be boarding the bus to the center after our last tour performance tomorrow morning."

Glancing back down at the clip board in his hands, the middle aged man looked back up at his students.

"And you two," he looked at Christian and Ben, "You need to be prepared that I might be switching role of Romeo because Tara and Ben aren't nailing their chemistry."

"And she nails it with Christian so well," Ollie chimed in and everyone started to laugh.

The skater, waiting for the laughter to subside, risked a glance over at the brunette. Her face was flushed red while Ben sat beside her, fuming. Christian felt his mood brighten at the sight. Then Tara glanced over at him and the skater tried to convey a look of surprise. But he knew he was failing by the look on her face...

After the performance the next day, (To which Zach had switched the roles of Romeo) Ben saw Tara and Christian talking; Tara was laughing. Looking down; he spotted his girlfriend's backpack wide open with her journal in full frontal view. After he had looked around, making sure no one was looking; he reached in and took Tara's journal.

Later that day, Christian was making sure his dance bag was on the bus, when Tara and Ben walked up to Zach. (Who was in front of Christian)

"Zach," Tara said, "Can Ben and I stay here to work on our chemistry for a while for the performance at the academy? Then we'll be along afterwards."

"Wait, wh-" Ben was promptly cut off by Tara's elbow coming in contact with his stomach. With a frown, the skater looked up at Zach as he hoped his teacher wouldn't say yes. But much to Christian's dismay, the middle aged man nodded his head.

"Thanks Zach," Tara smiled brightly at her teacher; before she grasped her boyfriend's hand, running off, dragging Ben behind her. Christian watched them go with a deeper frown than before. Then he shook his head and boarded the bus.

Tara smiled softly as she patted the spot on her bed. After he shot her an awkward smile, Ben made his way to his girlfriend. Once he was on the bed, he hovered over her. Lowering himself down, he leaned in to kiss her. But all too soon Tara pushed on his chest and broke the kiss.

"What's wrong?" Ben's question was breathless.

"I don't- I mean- What I'm trying to say is-" But the truth was Tara didn't know what she was trying to say. She sighed. "Look, everything feels forced."

Ben also sighed. "I know what you mean. I think we need to be more spontaneous."

At this, Tara closed her eyes and groaned. He wasn't getting it. "No Ben. I mean this doesn't feel right. I thought I was ready, but I'm not. I'm sorry."

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