You Found Me

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A continuation of Season 2-Episode 7: A Choreographed Life

"Has anyone seen T?" Sammy asked the three people that sat around the table as he sat down himself. Kat and Ben shook their heads and looked at Christian, but he just kept staring at his burger. Rolling her eyes and nodding her head in Christian direction, Kat told her best friend; "I think she's just avoiding him right now."

Sammy nodded. "We just usually meet up before morning classes is all. And I'm being paranoid aren't I?"

Kat was about to nod, when Abigail came storming up to them.

"Where is your best friend?" She demanded. Her face flushed red with rage and you could almost see the steam coming out of her ears. After sharing confused looks with everyone around the table, (Even Christian) he asked; "Wasn't she in morning classes with you?"

"No," she seethed as she shook her head, "And when I went back to get my good pointe' shoes; her side of the room was completely trashed."

That's when the skater started to panic a little. Sitting up a little straighter; he asked, "Trashed how?"

"If you want to know so bad then go look for yourself, but when any of you talk to her; tell her she better clean up and we'll be having a very serious talk later about this." And with that, she stormed off.

Christian was the first to stand up from the table and to start walking the direction of Abigail and Tara's room. More worry already making its way to his heart so much it hurt. He heard the rest of the group following him. Had she disappeared just because of some stupid fight they had? He shook his head. The skater really didn't think the farm girl was the type, but he really didn't know what to expect from Tara anymore. Then again, he had said some things he really regretted...

Abigail was right; Tara's side of the room looked like a hurricane had come through it. Her mirror and its frame lay over turned and shattered in pieces. Her bed was unmade, on top was a photo album; a torn up photo on its glassy, yet silky protective covering, and a small wooden box was upside down with folded papers scattered all around...

Kat, always being the adventurous one made her way through the mess and picked up a letter. After a minute of skimming through it, she looked around at the three boys. Her eyes lingered on Christian for a moment.

"Who's Brandon?" She asked, once again glancing at each of the boys. The blonde watched as they all shrugged.

"What does the letter say Kat?" Ben asked, coming over to the blonde. Clearing her throat, Kat began to read aloud.

Little Bit,

Come on, you cannot still be mad at me! I'm getting lonely over here with just letters from Will and Blake! I heard you got into that ballet school you kept telling me about. Tell me about that. Is it everything you ever hoped it would be? Are you flying yet? Hahaha. But seriously if you're still not talking to me, at least let me know you're okay,


With that everything was indulged in silence as everyone let the words of the letter sink in. Ben was the first to break it, "So her and this Brandon guy were close?"

"Obviously," Said the blonde in a sarcastic tone, as she set the box up right and then she began to put the letters delicately back in in the box. As it was clear to her that these letters were special to her best friend, for whatever reason.

"Do you know who he is?" Sammy directed the question at the skater. The Asian shook his head, barely hearing his friend through all the thoughts that were racing through his brain at the moment. Like, who was this guy? How did he know Tara? And most importantly, where was Tara?

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