Sick Day

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A Few Months after Tara's Fall...

Christian Reed yawned as he walked into The Samuel Lieberman Memorial Studio. They were due to officially open in a few months and everything was ready and waiting. Everything, except for the thank-you dance for Tara. Although his students were getting better and better with each passing day, they still had a few more moves to go over.

After setting his bag down, he went to the barre and began to stretch out his muscles. That's when the skater's phone decided to go off. Pulling it out, he saw it was Kat.

"Hey," Christian answered, "What's up?"

An exhaled breath was his greeting, and then Kat's voice poured through the speakers.

"Hey, do you think you might be able to come and watch Tara?"

"Wait, back up. Why do I need to come watch Tara?" Christian asked as his grip on his phone tightened. After what had happened during the company audition, the skater couldn't help, but fear for the rest.

A sigh is heard, "Tara's doctor gave her some new pain meds at her appointment yesterday. She said that Tara would be running a fever within twenty-four hours of taking them, because her immune system isn't use to that type of medicine. She took them yesterday morning."

"Okay, but why do you need me to come watch her if you're already there?" Christian asked as he picked his bag back up.

"Because," explained the blonde through the receiver of the phone, "My agent just called. I completely forgot I have an audition today and I can't cancel and reschedule because this is the last set of auditions for this part. I would've called Abigail, but she and Ollie are in Melbrone for all of next week with the company."

Walking to Zach's office, the skater chuckled a little. "Okay Kat, calm down. I'll be there in about half an hour."

"Thank you, Christian! I'll see you soon," Was her response then she hung up. As he shook his head and put his phone in his pocket, he walked into Zach's office.

After he had explained the situation to his former teacher, Christian got on his bike and headed for the store because he wasn't sure what Tara and Kat exactly had at their apartment. He picked up everything he would need for whatever kind of fever his Training Bra had.

She's not your Training Bra anymore. He tried to remind himself. But another voice in the back of his head was also saying: she will always be your Training Bra.

The skater shook his head as he paid for the items and left.

When Kat opened the door, she was dressed with her hair half done.

"You're here," the blonde sighed in relief, pulling him into the small apartment.

"I said I would be, didn't I?" Christian asked with a hint of a smile, "Now where's the patient?"

The blonde's answer was walking over to the bathroom door and knocking on it. "How are you doing Tara?"

A low moan erupted from behind the door.

"She went running in there just a few minutes, after I checked on her fifteen minutes ago." Kat explained to the skater.

"Go finish getting ready." He told her, "I can handle getting her back to bed after she's done puking."

After she gave him a look, Kat sighed and walked away. She really couldn't afford to lose this audition or else she would.

Meanwhile Tara lay on the cold, tiled floor with her head propped against the tank of the toilet as she held her churning stomach in an effort fruitless to help calm it. Her head was pounding and her face felt as if it would melt off at any second.

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