Chapter 1 : Scars

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Here's stuff you need to know:
Y/N : Your Name
L/N : Last name
Y/A : your age
Y/M/N : your mother's name
Y/F/N : your father's name
B/F/N : best friend's name
B/F/L/N : best friend's last name
B/F/A : best friend's age
S/N : sibling name
F/C : Favorite color
S/F/C : second favorite color

"Long ago, two races ruled the earth, the Humans and the Monsters. One day, war broke between the two races. Many have fallen to serve their kind. Years later, the humans were victorious. With their magic, seven of their strongest wizards sealed all the monsters underground with a magical barrier. Only a human soul could pass. Mt. Ebott 201X, they say those daring enough to climb up the mountain.... never return. "I read this story over and over again. Is the only thing keeping me sane.

"Y/N L/N!! YOU MUST BE READY IN TEN MINUTES! WE WILL HAVE GUESTS ARRIVING! " 'Mother' ordered from downstairs.

"Yes Miss! "I replied. I put my book down and headed to my closet. I've picked out a long sleeved, S/F/C sweater with F/C stripes. I also picked out brown pant-leggings to match with S/F/C shoes.

"Y/N! S/N! COME DOWN HERE NOW! THEY'RE PULLING IN THE DRIVEWAY! " 'Father' shouted. I gasped as I rushed down the stairs and greeted the B/F/L/N family.

"Hello there, Y/N. I think you would like to meet our child. Say hi, B/F/N. " Mrs. B/F/L/N said. A person, who was about my age, stepped out from behind of Mrs. B/F/L/N. They looked nice.

"B/F/N, this is Y/N. They're Y/A years old. They like F/C and S/F/C. Y/N this is B/F/N. They're B/F/A. They like F/C like you! "Mr. B/F/L/N introduced. I looked at B/F/N and grabbed their hand. They flinched at this action but didn't resist. I dragged them to my room.

"Hi, i'm Y/N! "I said joyfully as I extended my arm.

"Hi... I'm... B-B/F/N..." They said shaking my hand. While looked down sad for some reason.

"Hey... Are you okay? "I asked.

"No... Can I tell you something? "They asked me.

"Sure! "I replied. They leaned closer to my ear.

"My mom and dad are hurting me. "They said while trying not to burst into tears. My eyes were wide and my mouth was open. They're just like me? I got the sleeve of my sweater and lifted it up. Their eyes were as wide as mine. On my arm were cuts, scars and bruises.

"I'm not the only one... "They said in relief.

"Does S/N this to you too? "They asked.

"No... They protect me. They've got even more scars than I do. "I said.

"Can we? "They started.

"Can we what? "I asked.

"Can we run away from our torture? "They continued. Then, I thought about it... Can you escape hell? I started to think of ideas then.


I've got an idea.

"Yes we can. All the have to do is run away from our bedrooms at 1:00 A. M. Then, meet in the Ebbot Park. "I explained

"Okay, I think we ca--"

"B/F/N! COME DOWN! WE'RE GOING HOME! "B/F/N's mom shouted.

"Should I bring S/N? "I asked.

"Sure! Let's leave no innocents behind. "They said as they left my room.


"That's your plan? Am I coming? "S/N asked me.

"Yes it's my plan and yes you are coming. You're my sibling, I care for you. "I answered.

"Get your things ready, were leaving at 1:00 A. M. "I added. They nodded and they started to pack things like clothes, soap, shampoo, their phone, charger and power bank.

"Okay, are you done? "I asked me they zipped their bag.

"Yeah.. Let's go. "They said excitedly. We opened our door and tiptoed out of this room. We quietly went down the stairs but doing occasionally just to make sure we didn't make any sound. We were about to open the front door until.

"Where do you think you're going? "We heard our mother say from behind us.

"We're going away from you monsters. "As I said that she growled and pounced at S/N.

"S/N!! "I shouted. They looked at me with pity in their eyes.

"Leave them, run! "A voice told me.

"I'm coming back for you, don't worry. Find me in Mt. Ebbot. Goodbye. "I said as I ran away from that wretched place I call home. I kept running until I finally reached Ebbot Park. I am B/F/N in the shade of a tree, waiting for me.

"Heyo Y/N, ready to go? "They asked.

"I think we should just wait for S/N on Mt. Ebbot. They got caught by the woman and I told them to meet me there. "I explained and they just nodded.

"Sure, we can go there. "They replied to we started to climb up the mountain. It was really high... And quiet. Until... We heard shouting and screaming.

"Y/N! Keep going!! "I looked for the source and saw S/N being chased by father and mother, but their far behind.

"Go in the mountain now! We'll be safe there! "They added. Me and B/F/N kept running up the mountain until the reached a cave.

"In here! "I shouted for S/N to come. All of us made it and hid behind a boulder. I heard S/N whimper so I tried to comfort them, but they feel into a hole.

"S/N! "I shouted. I turned to face B/F/N.

"I'm going down there. "I said. They nodded and held my hand. We jumped into the hole awaiting death... I blacked out.

Did well for chapter one eyy. Week, it's 9:49 so I'd better sleep now.

Goodnight my vocals~
Word count:1026

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