Chapter 4 : Moving in

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I woke up to the sound of shuffling. I opened my eyes and saw S/N poking me... Again.

"Guys, Y/N is awake now! "S/N shouted. B/F/N came in the room along with Papyrus and Sans.

"SANS! GET THE SPAGHETTI!!! "Papyrus ordered.

I did the WTF face.

"I thought Sans was Papyrus' brother..
"I pointed out to B/F/N.

"Sans calls Papyrus his 'boss'."They sighed. I was utterly confused.

"Okay.... "I said giving up. Papyrus came up to me and handed me some water.

"HUMAN! HERE IS A GLASS OF WATER FOR YOU TO DRINK! "Papyrus shouted a little lower than before. I took the glass and thanked him.

"Sans, I need to discuss something with you. "Papyrus surprisingly whispered. Sans leaned in and Papyrus whispered something. Sans looked hesitant, but nodded.


(Eyy, Karen. eyeswideope164?)

I looked at B/F/N, then S/N. We looked at Papyrus and nodded together.

"Thank you, Papyrus! "S/N exclaimed and lunged her arms at Papyrus, making them hug. Papyrus smiled softly and hugged back. Sans was really confused.

"Hey Papyrus, can we walk out today? "I asked him.

"Sure---?" He asked/said.

"Ah! Is Y/N. That person hugging you is S/N and this is B/F/N. That flower is Flowey. "I explained and he nodded.

"Okay, were going for a walk. "He said calmly.

"In staying here to guard the house. "Sans said walking in his room.

--Later --

We quickly changed into comfortable clothes and we all went outside. It was cold, but we all had sweaters on.

We were all walking. Papyrus was board but also abused when he saw how happy we were. I looked at Christmas tree and bumped into someone and fell.

"Hey watch it runt! "A voice of a girl said. I looked up and saw a neko with blue hair, blue shirt, grey skinny jeans, one eye is hot pink and the other is green, she has light blue ears with a but with pink on one side and green on the other and she has a light blue tail with pink and green triangles. (Is that how you call it?)

(Owned by Yunik, property of Yunik

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(Owned by Yunik, property of Yunik. Not lazily made by Yunik, maybe the task and ears are lazily made...)

"Gahh! Sorry! "I said standing up, Papyrus gasped.

"PINKU GURIN?! LONG TIME NO SEE! "Papyrus said happily. Wow.

"Eh?! Papyrus?! I'm so happy to see you! "She said cheerfully.

"HUMANS, THIS IS PINKU GURIN .WE WERE FRIENDS SINCE CHILDHOOD. HOW ARE YOU PINKY? "Papyrus explained. And as the otaku I am, I explained her name and species.

"Pinku Gurin means Pinkish-Green in English." I said and pulled out a piece of paper I had in my bag then wrote 'ピンクグリーン'and showed to them.

"This means Pinku Gurin in Japanese. And, the name also means something to her appearance. When she came out of her mother's belly, they probably names her that because of her eyes, ears and tail. She is a neko, but in Aphmau language, meif'wa. A neko means half-cat and half- human. Also, where ate your whiskers? "I explained and asked. Papyrus and Pinky were beyond confused.

"Yes, my name came from my appearance in birth and I'm an neko. Whiskers don't exist on a neko. "She explained.

"Hey Paps, I have nowhere to stay, can I stay at your place at night? "She asked, almost begging.

"SURE PINKY. "Papyrus replied. I think he had a crush on her...


We all arrived at the house, Sans was nowhere to be seen. Papyrus' phone started to ring. He went outside to answer it. Pinky then strangled my neck tightly.

"Y/N! "S/N and B/F/N shouted together.

"Listen well and listen good, leave this place. Whores like you should be dead by now. Be thankful that I have a bit mercy to spare you three." Pinky said darkly as she let me go with a shove. This is worse than my home...

--At night--

"Y/N? Where are you going? "S/N asked rubbing her eyes. "Pinky said I should go or I'll die, you guys should come too. "S/N nodded and woke up B/F/N.

S/N explained what to do. B/F/N nodded. We were about to leave, I placed a note on the desk for Papyrus or Sans to read. Freedom...

Papyrus' POV

The humans are taking a long time up there, they will miss breakfast. I heard a vice behind me. "Hey Paps, waddaya doin'? " "I'M WAITING FOR THE HUMANS TO COME DOWN AND EAT. "Pinky suddenly growled at the mention of the humans. "Forget them Paps. Those whores don't matter here. You've got me now. "She smirked.

"DID YOU DO SOMETHING? "I asked her sternly. She chucked. "Why would it matter, they're useless. "She then laughed hysterically. "You have me don't you?! You don't need them!! "This wasn't the Pinky I knew. I ran upstairs to their room to see that they have gone. I saw a note on the desk and picked it up.

'Dear Papyrus,

Thank you for letting us stay fit the day. But, it looks like we are not needed here anymore.

-Y/N, S/N and B/F/N'

I have to find them!


Haii vocals~
In finally publishing a story not in the night!! I'm still tired though.

Goodbye vocals.. Sorry for the being short today..

Word count:943

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