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After all they monsters made it to the surface, the tension rose more each day. Humans still hated monsters and monsters still hated humans. It was hard for you, S/N, B/F/N and Flowey since you four were the Four Ambassadors of Monsters.

"Hey, Y/N..." Sans said from behind. I turned around and smiled. "Yes? "He seemed tense. "Have you heard of RESETS? "Your rues widened at the word. "Yes... And I don't intend to use it.. If you were wondering. "His internal grin widened. "Really?! "You nodded happily. "Yup.. 'Cause, from what I've learned in the underground about kill or be killed, I think I would rather choose MERCY than FIGHT. "

Goodbye story..... You will be missed. I said I wasn't gonna make an epilogue but... Eh. Okay goodbye for real. I have exams to study for :3 bye vocals~

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