Chapter 8 : The End

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Good Ending


The four of us finally reached Asgore's castle. That took forever, but it was worth it. We entered the throne room. It was full of withered buttercup flowers. King Asgore was sitting in his throne. "Humans, it is a mistake that you came here. I know that you have manipulated Papyrus and Undyne into liking your kind. I have to end you myself. "We started to shiver. Black.

Twilight looms before you..
This is the end of your journey..
This is your goodbye..
You are filled with determination...

"Goodbye. "Before we knew it, the MERCY button broke from his large Trident. He was throwing flames at us. Until one flame hit him. Toriel!

"What a miserable, horrifying and NASTY creature torturing such poor and innocent youths. "She spat at Asgore. "But Tori--" "Na Ahh, I don't want to hear, anything. " "Torie--" "I said NO! NO, No, no. "Then Papyrus entered. "Hello humans, are you about to finish your journey? "We nodded. "Also, I brought the others too. "Sans, Undyne and Alphys were behind him. "Hehe, hey kiddo, it's me Sans. "Toriel gasped. "Nice to meet you, Sans! " "yeah I'm, SANS-sational. "Flowey was dying inside.

"Guys, I can break the barrier if I absorb their souls, would let me do that? "Flowey whispered. "Sure. "But, he tensed up. "When I absorb their souls, I'll go berserk. You can help me get to my senses though. Once I'm sane again, I can break the barrier. Okay? "B/F/N nodded. Flowey wrapped vines around them. Six human souls came to the scene. Then everything became white.

A small goat child was standing on the center. He turned around and said. "Howdy, Chara? Are you there? It's me. "He looked older. "ASRIEL DREEMURR. Everything was the fifty shades of red.

(Sorry, not sorry)

Asriel kept throwing stars at us. One managed to hit S/N and she wailed in pain. "S/N! Dream big dreams! The pain won't hurt. "As I said that, my pockets felt heavier. I went through it and found a Dream?

I healed. I gave one dream to S/N and B/F/N. Asriel shot a laser gun at us. We managed to Dodge it. He growled and summoned a sword. He hit me and I was at 0 HP. My soul shattered but it refused. I came back to life. Asriel shouted angrily at us and turned super fat. But, instead of becoming fat, he became humongous.

"This is your end! "Then I had a wave of Determination hit me. "No! I'll save my friends! "S/N and B/F/N stood confused on what u would do. I ran to Toriel and Asgore. "Hello mama! Hello papa! "They snapped out of their trance. I ran to Sans and Papyrus. "Here's a joke. "They did too! I tan to Alphys. "Anime. Is. Real. "Her face was amazement. I ran to Undyne and punched her so effing hard that she whimpered. "Now, I'll save you! "Asriel looked around confused. "Huh? What.. What ate you doing? "I smirked. "Saving you. "He growled. "No. "I smirked harder. "Yes. "Then he started to cry like a baby. He turned back to a young goat. "I- I'm sorry... I won't do it again. Soon, I'll turn back to a flower and--" "Shut up and give me a hug! "I shouted and we hugged. I motioned S/N and B/F/N come here. They added to the hug. Then, a few minutes later, we broke the hug. A bunch of souls came out of Asriel and he floated up. White was everywhere and i blacked out.

The barrier has broken


I felt a poke in my cheek. "I swear S/N.." I opened my eyes to see S/N. I sat up and saw the rest to my friends waiting for me. "Did the barrier... "S/N smiled. "Yup, the barrier is officially broken. Let's go. "I stood up and followed my friends up. B/F/N was holding Flowey. Taking one step forward. We're free. I felt the child breeze of air hit my face. "Guys can you visit somewhere first." All of them nodded. I walked to my house, which wasn't too far from Ebott Park. I knocked the door then 'Mother' opened it. Her face was horrified from the monsters.

"Hello. Mother... "I spat. The rest gasped. "This is the one who abused you?? "Papyrus looked at me with disbelief. "Yup. "S/N said popping the P. My monster friends were about to breast the hell up of my parents.


They now live in jail with B/F/N's, where they belong. Toriel and Asgore decided to adopt us three. All the monsters now live in the surface. Me, S/N, B/F/N and Flowey became the 'Four Ambassadors of Monsters'. Life was perfect.

The End

Bad Ending


I dialed the phone to call me mum. Someone picked it up.

"Physc! That's the wrong number. "

Gattt immm

Get dunked in beotch!


The End! Wooowhoo!! I'm done. Also, some parts came from underpants pacifist My crush noticed me like the times while me and my friend were playing Space Jump. I won't make an epilogue. In the comments, please write the next book that you want.

For ex.

Sans x Gay Reader

Paps x child genocide reader

Chara x asriel

Tell me some Shit...

Also, reminder for emmyj0 , find friends you could trust.

Bye vocals~

Word count:905

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