Chapter 6 : Ohh Yess~~

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We got tired from doing nothing, so we decided to continue our journey. We went around Waterfall and saw some mushrooms. touched them and they illuminated the darkness around us. We walked around touching mushrooms until I found a secret path. "Guys, I found another path. Down there. "I pointed and walled to it. I followed the path and it led to a mysterious room. There was a idiotic background song.

We walked forward and saw some dog/cat thing. "Get away humans, unless you have money.."The dog said like a gangster. We ran away before some trouble occurs.

--Timeskip brought to you by hotcats? --

We were finally at Hotland! Flowey was a sweating mess. "Gah! I hate Hotland. "We just laughed. "Come on Flowey, Alphys said to go to her lab which is nearby. "S/N stopped laughing and led the way. We arrived at Alphys' Lab.

It was enormous.

We entered, it was friggin dark in here. We looked at the only light source, it was a big monitor. And.. wait. That's is on screen! Was Alphys spying on us?! Holy crap! The lights immediately turned on and Alphys came out of the bathroom. "Ahh!! Humans! I didn't know you came! Also, I wasn't spying on you, I was simply monitoring you to make sure you don't kill. "She came up to us.

"Now that you'll continue your adventure, I'll give you my phone number so you could contact me. "I have her my IPhone / Android. She sighed and shaked her head. "You'll need some upgrades, wait here. "She left and there was a lot of noise. She came out with my phone. "Here, I upgraded it and put my and others numbers so you could contact them too! I also placed two portable storage units in it. "I stared at my phone. Wow, so cool.

"Thanks! "I said and checked my contacts, there was Sans, Papyrus, Undyne and Alphys' number. "No problem human! "She then tensed up. "Umm, I have a problem. You see, I created a entertainment robot but, when the 3rd human fell down here, I installed some anti- human programs, hehe. Ummm, now he's a human killing machine, sorry. His name is Mettaton, also, he's gay. "My eyes widened. Oh no... Then there was an explosion. I couldn't see anything because of the dust. It finally cleared and there was a toaster robot with 5 hands (i forgot how many XD) standing where the explosion occurred.

"Oh yes~ Hello humans, I'm Mettaton. And you're the special guest to my quiz show! "A sign that said 'Quiz Show!' Oh crap.

"Oh, by the way, get the wrong answer. You DIE!!" Someone turned off the lights and Mettaton was there in front of me. I choose to spare. He laughed. "Spares don't work on me darling~" This proves that he's gay.

"First question ; What is the name of or evil king? "Easy. There were four choices to choose from.

A. King Fluffybuns
B. King Asgore Dreemurr
C. King Dustalavista
D. King Slayer

"B!" Me, S/N, B/F/N and Flowey shouted together. "Correct! " He changed his launchpad colors. (His panels look like a launchpad XD)

"Next question ; How many grams of dust is in this jar? " How could you even count particles grams when your standing far away?!

I just realized that, Alphys was at the corner find the letter 'D' with her hands.

A. 1028472g
B. 1548926g
C. Uncountable
D. Infinite

"D? "I was scared that I was gonna die. Mettaton groaned in annoyance. "Correct... "His dial pads changed again.

"Third to the last question ; If a square room... Blahblahblahblah
"I didn't listen to him. I hate math.

(Sorry if you like math 😥 pls don't hate me 😭)

I looked at Alphys again for a answer. She did 'C'.

"C! "I shouted. Mettaton growled. "Correct.. "He sighed.

"Second to the last question ; would you smooch a ghost? "I was store confused right now, Alphys didn't seem to k know either. Ask if the options were yes. "Yes! "S/N was courageous enough to shout out. Mettaton had a little tint of pink on his toaster face. "You would?!--I mean, correct. "I just sighed. Finally, the last question.

"Last question ; who is Dr.  Alphys' crush? "Uhh, I looked at Alphys to see that her face was completely red.

A. Asgore
B. Undyne
C. The human
D. Sans

Ohhhh, it makes sense now.

"B... "I hope that was the right. "Correct!! You win, your reward is your life. Goodbye darlings~" With that, he zoomed of into the roof. Alphys was still blushing like mad. "Guys, you can go now. I'll be fine.. "She smiled and left for the bathroom again. We sighed in unison and we were about to leave until..

"Guys, I don't want to go. "S/N complained. "Me too" S/N and Fkowey said together. "Then I'll go by myself. Meet me at Asgore's castle! "I sighed. They said farewell and I left.


"So what do I do now? "I asked Alphys in the phone. "Go on that conveyer belt and press ask the three buttons. "She signed. I'll tell you when to press it.

"Okay. "With that, I went on the conveyer belt and pressed the first two buttons until. Ring ring. "Press it now! "I missed. "Oh sorry, but look! You only needed two buttons hehe. "And she hung up. I was all by myself. But, I'm doing this for my friends and sister.

I walked forward and saw a crossroad. I felt like fainting since it's really hot. I tripped on a stone near the edge and waited for my death. But, I it the ground. It like there was glass. I walled at the direction of the glass path. There was land again and a sign. It says 'Art Club, meet here at October 8, 8:00PM. Wait. It's October 8 today. And it's 7:58 PM. I waited for it to start but I heard panting behind me. I saw another dinosaur but he has a bag full of paper and a leather jacket. He was in a hurry, that he didn't see me. "Oi! Watch it runt! "He shoved me away. "Sorry.. "I left the Art Club place and continued on.


Hi vocals ~ my ears got blasted again today. We had a Literary Musical Contest here. If you guys come from the Philippines and live in Bacolod, come to Uno-R. There is a friggin Ferris wheel at my school. Also the octopus ride and the Viking ride. There are shooting games to. There are three horror rooms here. Anyone can come XD. Well. Bye vocals~~
Word count: 1120

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