Chapter 3 : Captured

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I started to stir and I realized we were not in the forest. It seemed that we were in some kind of, cage in a shed. I saw S/N, B/F/N and Flowey are asleep. I noticed that B/F/N and Flowey have a bruise on their face, the kidnapper probably made them unconscious. I tried to shake S/N awake, but they won't budge. I tried again, and they finally woke up.

"Huh? Where are we? "They asked.

"I don't know, did you sleep or fall unconscious? "I asked them.

"Unconscious? Why would I be unconscious? I feel asleep as soon as you did. "They answered. I then pointed at Flowey and B/F/N.

"I think that they're unconscious. "I explained. S/N walked over to B/F/N and kept poking them.

I did a Frisky Face or the -_- Face.

B/F/N did eventually wants up and started to panic.

"Guys, a short skeleton with a red jacket and a golden tooth kidnapped us. "B/F/N ranted. Flowey woke up too.

"Guys, a short skelet--"

"We know. "We cut him off.

"His name is Sans, he has a brother named Papyrus. Papyrus really wants to capture humans and deliver them to the king, ASGORE. Also, Papyrus treats Sans like a smiley trashbag. "Flowey explained.

"Okay.... So we're screwed. "S/N said sarcastically.

"Most likely. "Flowey replied. Then, we heard a slam on the door.

"HUMANS!!! WAKE UP!!!"A voice literally screeched. A tall skeleton with a red scarf, red gloves and red boots. He also had a very menacing look.

"HUMAN, ARE YOU FINISHED CHECKING ME OUT??? " Papyrus asked which made me snap out and blush.

"Sorry... "I said as I looked away. He must scoffed.


"How do we get out of here? The bars are too narrow for us to fit in."I asked Flowey.

"There's a window over there. We might get out. "He planned. I opened the window and stepped outside.

(I wake up in the morning and I step outside! What's goin' on! HEYAYAYAYAYAYAH!)

The ground was really cold, bit I had to keep my composure. Soon afterwards, B/F/N, S/N and Flowey followed. We quickly went to a forest and sat down behind a tree.

"Flowey, where so I go now? "S/N asked the scared flower. He pointed to a narrowing of trees.

"There is a path which leads to Waterfall. If this were a video game then Waterfall would be the 3rd stage. "Flowey explained.

"What is the complete order of the stages? "I asked him.

"Ruins, Snowdin, Waterfall, The Dump, Hotland, The Core, New Home, The King's Castle. "He explained further more.

"Five more places?! "B/F/N groaned in annoyance.

"Come on, guys. No time to waste! "I said heroically. We all stood up and walked through the path. There was fog blocking our view. Soon, the fog cleared but a tall figure stood at the end of the path.

"HUMANS, DO YOU THINK YOU CAN ESCAPE FROM ME??? I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS WILL DELIVER YOUR SOULS TO THE KING, WITHOUT MERCY. "Papyrus said darkly. The room was black and he stood in front of us. He threw bone attacks at us. One bone managed to hit my arm. I whimpered in pain. S/N growled and lunged the knife that they packed at Papyrus. It managed to miss. B/F/N quickly got a pan and tried to block his attacks.

I walked over to Papyrus, I grabbed S/N's knife and held it close. I then lunged at Papyrus, it missed again. He sent more bones but surprisingly, I dodged it all. I lunged more attacks and one managed to hit him in his arm. He growled and my soul turned blue. He sent me down and a bunch of bones pierced my left arm and leg. I cried out and S/N and B/F/N rushed towards me. S/N ripped out the sleeve of my right arm and bandaged my other arm and leg. Papyrus had a look of disgust on his face, I think he was looking at my right arm. There were scars and bruises on it.

"HUMAN, WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR ARM??? "He asked, surprisingly worried.

"My mom and dad abused me and S/N until the finally got sick of it and fell underground. B/F/N was abused too. "I explained. Somehow, he felt really bad, I guess there is kindness in everyone.

"COME ON HUMANS, I'LL GET YOU ALL BANDAGED UP. "He said shocking is all. S/N decided to trust him and brought me up. B/F/N helped them carry me to Papyrus' place. B/F/N was also caring Flowey. We finally made it to Papyrus' house. He slammed the door open and the heard a voice inside.

"Yo boss, your back so soon. Have you delivered the souls already. "The voice of a guy said lazily.

"SANS, SHUT UP AND GET THE BANDAGES !!!" Papyrus ordered the Sans. We entered the house and bandages were already ready.

"Boss, why are the humans here? "Sans said clearly confused.

"I'm gonna heal them dammit. "Papyrus replied softly for some reason. Papyrus whispered S/N something and they nodded. S/N brought me to the bathroom and have me a F/C tank top and brown short shorts.

"Change quickly. "They said as they left me to change. I quickly room of my sweater and pant-leggings and put on the tank top and short shorts, I also used the wall for support since my arm and leg were broken. I opened the door and S/N picked me up again and carried me to the couch. I heard Sans and Papyrus gasp when they saw my arm.

"Woah, this happens to all of you? "Sans asked. The three of is nodded sadly. Flowey felt sorry for what we've gone through.

"I THINK I COULD BANDAGE THEM. "Papyrus held my arm and I blacked out again.


I guess I'll be updating frequently.. Well, I hope you enjoyed the third chapter.

Goodbye, my vocals~

Word count: 1066 words

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