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Jesse heard Lukas' cry of surprise. "LUKAS!" she cried. She ran up the remaining steps and came to a room. Everything was dark, impossible to see. "Lukas?" she asked quietly. The lights suddenly turned on and Jesse saw the White Pumpkin standing in front of her. Lukas was nowhere to be seen. Jesse narrowed her eyes and ran at the White Pumpkin. "Wait, Jess-" the White Pumpkin exclaimed. He was cut off as Jesse tackled him to the ground, the pumpkin falling off his head. Jesse's eyes widened at the person she had tackled. "Lukas?" she asked in disbelief. "Hey, Jess," Lukas greeted, sitting up. Jesse quickly stood up and helped Lukas stand. He picked up the pumpkin and looked at it. "Lukas, what happened?" she asked. "Well, I was chasing the White Pumpkin but the lights turned out. Next thing I know, I have this pumpkin on my head and the lights turn back on, then I get tackled to the ground," Lukas replied. Jesse knew Lukas was speaking the truth. There was no way her friend could be the White Pumpkin.

The others didn't agree with her.

They all ran up the stairs to see Lukas and Jesse. "Lukas is the White Pumpkin!" Stampy exclaimed. "Get him!" Cassie said. She and the others, except Ivor and Petra, started walking forward. Jesse stood in front of Lukas protectively. "You guys, this is a set-up! Lukas isn't the White Pumpkin!" Jesse said. "Tell that to the pumpkin he's holding," Cassie replied, pointing at the object in Lukas' hands. Jesse glared at the auburn haired girl. "He isn't the White Pumpkin. He just chased after the White Pumpkin and the White Pumpkin tried to frame Lukas," Jesse growled. "You seem pretty intent on keeping Lukas safe," Stacy said in an accusing tone. "I know my friends. And they would never kill innocent people," Jesse said. "Well, even if he isn't the White Pumpkin, he is the top suspect. I suggest we lock him up somewhere," Cassie said. "Where? A closet?" Lukas scoffed. "I saw one in the hall! It had lovely metal doors!" Stampy suggested. Jesse glared at the others who were coming closer to Lukas. She wasn't going to stand for this. "Move out of the way," Cassie ordered. If looks could kill, Cassie would die a million times. "You can't tell me what to do," Jesse replied. Cassie's glare matched Jesse's.

"Jess, it's fine."

Jesse turned to Lukas with shock written on her face. "Lukas, you're seriously letting these guys lock you up for no good reason?" she asked. "We have a perfectly good reason!" Cassie interrupted. Jesse glared at Cassie. "So if you saw someone hold a white pumpkin after clearly seeing them next to you with the White Pumpkin running away a few moments before, you'd lock them up?" Jesse shot back. Lukas put a hand on Jesse's shoulder. "It's fine, Jess. It's what these guys want and if it'll reduce conflict, then I'm fine with it," Lukas said. Jesse's gaze softened. "Lukas, I'm not going to stand for this injustice. You aren't the White Pumpkin," she replied. "I'll be fine," Lukas said. He turned to Cassie and walked forward, sending a glare at the auburn haired YouTuber. Cassie followed Lukas as they walked out of the room, heading down to the closet. Jesse watched as they disappeared, her green eyes distraught. Tears were threatening to spill. Guilt flashed through the others who remained in the room. Jesse clearly believed Lukas was innocent and seeing him give himself up so easily just because he was accused of being the murderer for a stupid reason hurt her. The others moved away from their places and did their own thing. Jesse walked around the room, interrogating the others and sharing what she learned with her friends and looking around for anything that could help solve this mystery.

Everyone stopped what they were doing when a scream was heard.

Jesse's eyes widened as she recognized the voice. "LUKAS!" she cried. She ran down the stairs with the others following her. They came to a closet with metal doors. Jesse pulled the slightly ajar door open and ran inside the closet, taking a few steps back at the scene before her.

Lukas was laying on the ground, holding a hand to his stomach. His glove and orange shirt were stained red with blood. A small pool of blood was steadily growing on the ground. His blue eyes were shut tight as he grit his teeth in pain. Jesse held her hands over her mouth, unable to move. Horror filled her at the sight before her. Lukas slowly forced his eyes open and looked up at Jesse. "J-J-J-Jess...." he whispered. His voice snapped Jesse out of her shock. She ran forward and kneeled beside the injured blonde. Jesse placed pressure on Lukas's wound, trying to ignore his small cries of pain. She was entirely focused on saving Lukas's life. Petra walked forward and looked at Jesse. "Find Cassie," Jesse ordered. Petra nodded and ran off with Stacy. Dan and Stampy could only watch in horror. Had Cassie done this? Jesse continued to apply pressure to the wound. Lukas's blue eyes started to flutter closed. "Ivor, I could use some help over here!" Jesse shouted. Ivor immediately ran over and he applied pressure to the wound. Jesse gently cupped Lukas' face and whispered things to him to keep him awake.

Petra and Stacy came in holding Cassie. "What is going on?" she asked angrily. Jesse turned around and glared at Cassie. "Did you do this?" she asked. "No," Cassie replied. "Oh really? You're the only one that was with him, and Stacy and I saw you putting up Lukas' x'd out portrait up!" Petra shouted. With all the arguing going on, only Jesse heard Lukas whisper her name. "Jess......." Lukas whispered. Jesse turned back to Lukas. Tears were forming in her eyes. "Lukas, I'm here. You're going to be okay. Just save your strength," Jesse whispered. Lukas smiled weakly. "I-I'll miss you....." he whispered. Jesse shook her head as tears fell down her cheeks. "No.... No no no no no.... Don't say that...." Jesse pleaded. Lukas gently reached his hand up and cupped Jesse's cheek. He wiped a tear falling down her cheek away with his thumb. "It'll be okay....." Lukas whispered. Jesse shook her head. "No.... I lost one friend like this, I'm not gonna lose another....." she replied quietly. Lukas' blue eyes started to close. "Good..... bye..... Jess...." he whispered. His eyes closed and his hand started to fall limp. "No no no no no no no! Ivor, do something!" Jesse cried. Ivor grunted in reply as he tried to apply more pressure to the wound. "I need a potion of healing!" he muttered.

"I have one....."

Jesse and Ivor turned to look at who spoke. Cassie was holding a potion in her hand. "Please.... Cassie please......" Jesse pleaded. Cassie walked forward and handed it to Jesse. The black haired girl immediately turned back to Lukas and took off the cap of the bottle. She poured the red liquid into Lukas's mouth until the bottle was empty. She placed the bottle down and cupped Lukas's face. Her bottom lip quivered in fear. Fear of losing Lukas. A few moments passed and there was no sign of Lukas waking up. Jesse felt tears fall down her cheeks. She shut her green eyes tight as her bottom lip quivered to try and hold back tears. She gently set his head down on the ground before turning away, silently sobbing into her knees. Everyone gazed sadly at the ebony-haired girl. Cassie felt guilt over what she had done. It was obvious Jesse cared deeply for her blonde friend, and she had just torn him away from her. Jesse breathed a deep, shuddering breath to try and control her tears.


Jesse whipped around to face Lukas. His blue eyes were ever so slightly open. The wound that once had blood spilling had all but disappeared. The blood, however, remained. Jesse immediately wrapped her arms tightly around Lukas's neck and pressed her lips to his. Everyone's eyes widened in shock at Jesse's sudden move. It was a moment before Lukas melted into the kiss. Everyone was even more shocked. After a few moments, the others had regained their composure. Ivor cleared his throat loudly, causing the two to turn to Ivor, breaking the kiss. "We're still here," he said. A red blush spread across both Lukas's and Jesse's faces. Jesse quickly tried to regain her composure. "Sorry about ruining your moment, but we kinda have other things to deal with. You two can make-out after that," Petra said. Jesse, who had just regained her cool, lost it and became a blushing and stuttering mess. Completely out of character for her. Lukas quickly recovered from the statement. "Petra....." he said in a warning tone. Petra smirked. "Come on you two lovebirds. We got things to do!" Petra called as she strutted out of the closet.

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