4: I have multiple personalities, none of whom like you

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Trying my best to seem unaffected while in a group, I decided to stick by Wells Jaha, we both went out to collect wood and sticks, for building and fires. If I can't stop the voices, at least I can be with someone who will try to keep me out of harm's way. "So, what did you do?" he asked awkwardly, gaining an eyebrow raise from me. Tell them you killed someone, they'll leave you alone. No, you don't want people to be threatened by you.

"Maybe it's not best to ask people that" I chuckled, giving him a light elbow to the ribs. He nodded and we walked ahead. I quickly grabbed a few stray logs, gaining an impressed look when Wells noticed how much I was now carrying.

"So... Murphy seems to like you?" I looked up to the younger of the Jaha family, he smiled back. "I mean, he doesn't like anyone, but the sight of you crying and he breaks a guy's ankle? Then threatens to kill him... Not the usual reason for him threatening" Jaha noted.

"Well, I went to thank him and he threw loose bits of metal at me... so I doubt he actually cares for my safety. I think he just wants to prove his dominance" Wells' eyes widened and I nodded, walking ahead. Wells and I both dropped the sticks into a pile, and I began to organise them by size and thickness.

"Find any water yet?" Someone asked from behind me as Wells stood up.

"No, not yet" he sighed, before falling silent. I turned to see Murphy and a new friend of his stood a few feet away. He looked down to me and glared, only to have me glare back, but more pissed off. I stood up and held my head high, watching as Murphy's eyes flickered to the small cut that was now on my neck, his glare faltering for a second. "We're going back out if you want to come" Wells looked to me and I shrugged, not caring if Murphy joined us. Right Scarlett muttered, my head snapped to the right and I noticed an engraving. I elbowed Wells who also looked to it.

"FIRST SON, FIRST TO DYE" I raised an eyebrow. Illiterate much? We taught our self to read and even I know it's wrong I laughed at her comment then nodded. Wells looked back to Murphy who scratched his nose, purposely displaying the knife he now held.

"You know, my father" His voice faltered as he began, I could see the discomfort in his eyes. He loved his dad, that's why he's cold "He begged for mercy in the airlock chamber when your father floated him" Murphy growled, threateningly. Wells dropped the stick in his hand and took a step to murphy, before my arm snapped back, holding him in place. Wells pushed past, before bumping shoulders with Murphy. Wells is kind of hot too... then again, when you spend so much time with your eyes on that gargoyle... any guy here looks hot

"you spelt Die wrong, geniuses" he mumbled as he walked off. I watched as the two of them smirked and Bellamy approached, noticing my presence.

"You doing Wells' job for him princess?" Bellamy called smirking.

"No, it's called actually fucking working dumbass. Rather than parading around delegating and acting like you know how to fucking run a society" Everyone looked at me, shocked at the outburst. Now was when I needed Scarlett's smart ass comments. Bring up how his sister wont even spend time with him "Wells is the one who has watched his father make the hard decisions to keep the ark alive. He knows why we got sent here. But also, he's not a jackass like you three" I spat before walking through them, someone caught my arm and I turned to see the boy whose name I didn't know.

"Didn't you hear Murphy's threat, don't fucking touch me. He won't need to hurt you, because I know for sure I will. You don't want to piss me off" I smirked as he quickly let go. A hint of pride quickly flashed in john's eyes before he looked away. Bellamy stared at me in shock and I raised an eyebrow. "Didn't expect me to actually have it in me? Maybe you shouldn't have asked me to be your second huh?" I watched as his face fell.

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