13: To fall in love you have to be in the state of mind for it

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I woke up surrounded by warmth, a smile formed on my face as I stretched my legs out and opened my eyes. I blinked a few times before realising I was in John's tent, and remembering last night. My smile grew as I noticed John still sleeping peacefully, his back to me.

Just like the rest of him, John's back was slight, he was thin, and pale. His paper white skin stretched tightly over his back, the dimples of each vertebrae sticking out. I bit into my lip when I saw the faint white lines that crossed all over his back, in varying angles. I reached out slowly, my finger gently tracing along them. How could he have got scars like that? Did the guards beat him? John rolled onto his back and pulled me closer. I rolled my lip between my teeth but lie close to him, enjoying the warmth and comfort. I let my head rest against his shoulder as I fell back to sleep.

Wake up you little slut! I jumped up, as Scarlett's voice rang through my ears. I looked around to see that John had left, but on the table, there was a pile of clothes already laid out, a small smile formed once again. I quickly stumbled over and pulled on the clothes, grabbing a stick from the floor and making my way out of the tent. I heard metal clanging quietly off to the side. Another knife fight? I turned and headed towards the direction Why go towards it you freak! Soon enough I found John out of the eye of everyone else, throwing a knife at the tree in front of him.

"You're awake at last" He laughed and picked up his knife, smiling to me.

"Yeah, I woke up early... but it's been a long time since I got to sleep in peace, so I savoured it" I smiled, John nodded, fiddling with the knife.

"Or enjoying me?" He muttered, making us both laugh. Tell him to hold just above the tip, he has too much spin otherwise.

"Hold a little above the tip before you throw" I advise, John raised an eyebrow and held above the tip.

"Why did you come here anyway, still not had enough of me?" He smirked before releasing the blade again, this time it stuck in the tree. He smiled softly before going to retrieve it.

"No, I wanted to ask you about something... personal. You don't need to tell-"

"Murphy!" I hear the familiar raspy voice call. "And the psycho... why am I not surprised?"

"Don't call me that Bellend" I snapped, making him chuckle.

"Or what, is your boyfriend going to hit me? You're crazy enough...do it yourself" He smirked, I glared at him, and out of the corner of my eye I saw John's sympathetic look. John turned and lined up the knife. He released it, harder, just as Goggle Boy screamed, making John miss the target.

"That damn kid, always messing with my head" John let out, I smiled softly.

"He's not going to last much longer, better think of a new excuse" Bellamy looked to me quickly and I flipped him off.

"Since narcissistic is too big a word for you. How about asshole? Do you understand asshole?" I asked, taunting him. John bit back a laugh and I watched him cover his mouth behind Bellamy. Bellamy turned and threw his axe into the tree with ease. I smirked and walked over, slowly to pull the axe out. I watched as members of Bellamy's little group come into view. "Great, Atom... sit at the tree for me..." Atom raised an eyebrow but then ran to the tree as soon as my mouth turned into a frown.

"What are you doing?' Bellamy asked, I giggled then walked further than both of the boys had been.

"Mind please.." I asked. Both of them moved and I felt everyone's eyes on me, I closed mine and span a few times, before quickly launching the axe in front of me. I heard a thud and smirked, my eyes opened and I looked to a very scared looking Atom. The axe had landed Horizontally, just a few millimeters above his head. Everyone stared at me and I hobbled back to the group. "That's how it's done... Blake" I sneered his name and Bellamy nodded, not a word escaping his lips.

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