16:To burn with desire and keep quiet is the greatest punishment.

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The sound of rain hitting the roof of the tent woke me up, I shuffled back slightly before stretching out. My eyes fell to John as he slept, his features softened, his hair falling messily round his face, the dark brown locks contrasting his pale skin. A smile formed on my face as I rolled onto my side, looking as the boy beside me. John's pale skin never faltered in tone, from his face to his neck and chest. There was slight definition in his chest, which surprised me, for someone so slim... I can't believe you let him touch you like that. Disgusting. It is a natural thing Scarlet, Avalon shouldn't be ashamed or upset. I shook the voices away before pushing myself up, sitting on the edge of the bed, John mumbled and rolled towards me. My name falling from his lips, before they formed a smile once again. Great, he's completely in love with you, and you him.

I quickly stood up, combing my hands through my hair then pulling on my jeans and slipping my boots on. I escaped from the tent in silence, looking for a place in which I knew I could speak freely. Finn's tent. I opened the tent doors to see that Finn was already awake, fashioning an arrow from a stick, he looked up and offered a smile. See, he is someone you should kiss... Scarlet, enough. I shook my head and took a seat opposite Finn.

"Can I ask you something? Something no-one else can hear" He nodded quickly, dropping the stick and leaning towards me. "It's about John..." I muttered, making Finn's eyes harden.

"Has he hurt you?" He snapped quietly, his smile falling. "I swear to god..."

"No, something happened... and I don't know... what" I sighed in defeat, not knowing how to explain. Finn raised his eyebrow and I let out a breath. "Okay, I'll explain everything, but you have to promise not to tell" Finn let out a chuckle then nodded.

My fingers drummed along my thigh and I ran a hand through my hair. "He made a comment a while ago, about teaching me what sex is..." Finn's eyes widened, and he shook his head. Oh, he's getting angry, the hottie will protect us. He just wants to be sure John didn't hurt Avalon.

"Tell me he didn't do what I think he did... because I will kill him" I bit into my lip and shrugged. He didn't, John did nothing to hurt you. It doesn't mean he didn't want to. The guy is a psycho, and an ugly one at that.

Let him know he didn't take advantage. Finn will worry. "He said what we did wasn't sex... just let me explain? I need to understand what happened" Finn nodded and motioned that he would keep quiet. "I asked him, last night... John seemed to freak out a little and he was uncomfortable" Finn nodded, biting into his lip as he scratched his jaw. A jawline I would gladly kiss along all day and night.

"What happened?" Finn pressed, making me look down. You should look down, be ashamed of how you let that freak touch you. There is nothing to be ashamed of, ignore her.

I thought back over last night, and how it started. It started with you letting him get in your head, and ended with him touching you in a disgusting and vile way. "John said that we could never... because it would change things" I explained first, hoping Finn would understand, he nodded. He knows how it feels after, your relationship with the person.

"It would, you can never... unless you love him, and he loves you. Don't give in to him" Finn sighed, brushing my hair back. If I have anything to do with it she will not love him, there is no way I ever want him touching us again.

"He did that..." I jerked, making Finn stiffen. Finn doesn't understand how you feel, how his actions make you react. He lent back and nodded, "But not straight away. He explained that sex is a physical thing, between people who find each other attractive, and that it sometimes makes babies" Finn chuckled then nodded quickly. Why can't you just get Finn to show you? We can have sex with Mr Hottie instead. "Is that right so far?" Finn smiled and nodded.

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