10: When women let their hair down, it's sexiness, craziness or death

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Night-time fell before we reached the camp, and I felt my eyes grow heavy. I laid my head down on John's shoulder, his hair falling across my cheekbones softly. "Is Hercules feeling tired now?" John whispered, a smirk in his tone.

"Shut up" I whispered, making him chuckle. I could see camp nearing in the distance.

"You know... you're not too bad Caliburn" He muttered. "When I can't see your face, or hear your voice... You're not bad when you're gone"

"And you're a nightmare Murphy" I huffed, sitting upright. "How am I supposed to sleep if you keep talking" We walked into camp, Bellamy parading the panther around, as the 100 teenagers all cheered. I rolled my eyes lightly and John set me down.

"You're back, now can we go back to not talking?" He grumbled, "Or just not being around each other, since the camp are starting to think I like you" I raised an eyebrow and shook my head, turning before limping towards my tent. Biting the tears back as I took each step.

Once I had made it inside, and out of the public eye, I fell to the floor, not caring about the bed. A small whimper escaped and I brought my knees up, giving my best attempt to massage the swelling. I kicked off my shoes and changed into the shorts Wells had found for me, finally I looked at my now dark purple ankle, no more definition between my foot and leg. It had swelled to the size of my calf. I let out a sob as my fingers pressed into the skin, flinching immediately.

Probably sprained a tendon... might be worse, but either way. You won't be walking for a few days... at least. She should call out for Bellamy, maybe he can make it all better. How Scareltt? I don't know, he just does.

I sighed and fell back, laying on the floor, hands over my face as I let out a groan. "Why do I have to be so stupid" I grumbled to myself. I rolled onto my side and let out a sigh.

"Avalon?" I heard someone call out, but I didn't turn. "Avalon?" They called, rushing towards me. I felt hands on my shoulder, and opened my eyes to see Finn crouched down in front of me. Dreamy Finn. "Avalon, are you okay. Do you need help to bed? I'll get Clarke to c-"

"I don't want Clarke, I want to be left alone" I whispered, Finn's face fell and he sat down in front of me.

"Avalon, your foot looks like it's going to cause problems if she doesn't look at it... You can't be walking around on it..." he begged, making my eyes roll. Be nice, he's trying to help. "At least let me stay with you and get what you want, if you won't see a doctor. You can't be on your feet all night" I bit into my lip and nodded. Finn picked me up in his arms, carrying me to the bed as if I didn't way a thing.

"I'm sorry" I whispered, and Finn raised an eyebrow. Finn is kind, concerned. "I'm such a crazy pain in the ass... I cant help it..." Finn laughed and sat down beside me.

"Your crazy pain in the ass just saved ours today... don't apologise" He smiled, running a hand over my hair. "Just tell me, if it's getting bad" I nodded just as my stomach let out a grumble. We both laughed and I smiled weakly.

"Finn" He looked up and I bit into my lip, feeling the tears brim in my eyes. "Do you think I'm unattractive?" his eyes widened. Are you finally going to make a move on someone... I'm getting bored.

"w-why would you ask that?" You've made him nervous, I looked away and let out a sigh. "What did Murphy say to you?" He knows.

"Nothing, it's nothing. Just a question" I mumbled, curling up in my bed.

"No it's not, your voices wouldn't let you ask something like that unless you really needed to, they're trying to make you into something strong" Finn retorted, already knowing me too well. I felt a smile creep on my lips. He pays attention, it's a start.

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