15: Sex without love is a meaningless experience, as far as they go it's great

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John rolled his eyes at me as I let out a chuckle at something Finn had said, we had come to an agreement to stay friends in the tent, but only two of the 100 when outside. It was easier for us both. More people were jibing at John about how long we were in the tent, and how we quickly parted ways, only frustrating him further.

"Listen, just because I was alone with the freak doesn't mean I'd touch her, in any way... have you seen her face?" John smirked to me, making me fake gag. "Bellamy needs the freak to comply, so we needed to get things straight... I'd never want anything from her"

"Please cancel my subscription to your issues, they're dull" I rolled my eyes, making the group laugh, I saw a twinkle of amusement in both John and Finn's eyes, and smiled to myself.

"I'm sorry, I forgot I only exist when you want something" He jeered back, making me gasp quietly, I looked away quickly... trying to remind myself that we only did it as a joke, and to get people off our backs" Off of Zombie's back you mean, because we're the only ones that will taunt you about him We? It's just you. I looked back to John who looked slightly concerned, though he masked it well with a smirk.

"Just knowing that I have successfully pissed you off again, makes my day" Finn chuckled to himself, knowing that what I said was partly true, nothing amused me more than seeing John become frustrated as he lost the battles.

"You would think with all of your multiple personalities, at least one would be likeable" John laughed, making everyone, including myself chuckle. I rolled my eyes and laid my head on Finn's shoulder.

"They don't like you either sweetie" I taunted, before closing my eyes and taking in a breath. I let out a yawn as Finn began to brush his fingers through my hair. "I'm going back to my tent, you're boring me now, much longer and I'd actually be as dead as you look" John sneered at me, making me smirk as I turned and limped back toward my tent, which regrettably, was the other side of the camp as where everyone had built the campfire. As I stumbled inside my ankle finally gave way again, or I finally let myself give in to the weakness, I'm not sure which it was. Your body is weak Avalon, you're pushing too hard I let out a sigh and crawled towards the bed.

A deep chuckle gained my attention, and I looked over my shoulder to see John lent against one of the support poles, arms crossed and a smirk across his face.

"That's a view I wouldn't mind getting use to" He chuckled before taking a few paces to me, his arms coming to my waist as he easily lifted me from the ground and gently put me down on the edge of the bed. I smiled weakly and kicked off my shoes, before crossing my legs quickly. "You know, Caliburn... your figure... specifically the rear end is beginning to look really good with all the extra food and sleep you're getting" He winked, making my eyes roll involuntarily.

"You know, John..." He winced at the name he still hated. "...You're beginning to look somewhat average now that your cheeks have filled out and you look less like a skull" He laughed quietly, gently pushing on my shoulder.

"Watch it short ass, I might just start thinking you're attracted to me" He taunted, with a smirk. John sat on the stool, not too far from me, as he began to relight the firepit once more for the evening.

"You're not all that unattractive John, you were just unwell" I reasoned, watching as he froze, before looking to me, confusion all over his pale face. "Don't confuse a compliment for admiration, I just want to apologise for what I said before" I whispered weakly.

John smiled to himself, a small smile that he let escape. "You might want to watch what you say... you will have me believing you care" He chuckled, winking once before going back to the fire.

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