Author's Note

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This is a weird idea I got after reading a BTVS/HP crossover followed by a Bearer challenge fic. That challenge goes as such:

Challenge: 48. The Wizarding World discovers Harry is a 'Bearer,' an important and incredibly rare wizard that can bear ultra powerful magical children. (The last 'beared' child was Merlin.) Harry doesn't want anything to do with it, so the Wizarding World holds a competition. The winner will impregnate an unwilling Harry. (Submitted by Charzy)

I of course am not promising how close I'll actually stick to the challenge – but oh well. This is a year sixth fic for Harry and as such may have elements of HBP, so consider yourself warned and a post-everything for any BTVS/Angel characters that appear. Also if ya didn't figure it out from the whole 'pregnant Harry' challenge above – this is slash.


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