Chapter 11

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Spike sat backwards in the straight-backed chair watching Draco and Harry work out. Ideally he would have had the two sparring each other by now but there was no way in Hell that he was letting anyone take a swing at his mate, pregnancy or no pregnancy. Not to mention that even after two weeks of these sessions, the two boys were still likely to be at each others throats if left alone too long.

Draco was actually starting to show signs of leaving his spoiled rich boy brattiness behind.

"Oy Potter, are you asleep again?"

Spike sighed and ran a hand over his face. They were very small signs.

From his position on the floor, eyes closed seated in a full lotus with Giles, Harry's only response was to flip the blonde off. Draco smirked and wiped his sweaty face with a towel, leaving the punching bag and sitting on the floor at Spikes feet. The vampire tugged one of his nephew's blonde locks in gentle rebuke as they waited for the other two to finish.

Giles was teaching Harry yoga and Tai Chi. The two activities would keep the teen in shape, especially with Quidditch no longer an option for him, and it would help him deal with ridiculous amount of stress he was under as the Savior of the Wizarding World.

In fact the more Spike learned about Harry and his life at Hogwarts, the more his little Lion amazed him. Yes, he knew Harry's lot in life wasn't so different from a Slayers was different. Harry had never known his parents, had grown up hated and reviled by his only family and then he'd had a mad man trying to kill for the last five years. Slayers at least had a Watcher, someone to train them for what they had to face and who cared if they came back afterwards or not

Harry had had dumb luck and a will of iron.

The chair creaked beneath his fingers when he thought of how close his mate had come to death – and how often.

Harry and Giles finally rose from the floor. The Watcher began extinguishing and gathering up the candles the pair had been using as a focus while Harry and Draco began tossing random insults back and forth.


"Ferret face." was progress at least.


The next night Giles was summoned to Dumbledore's office not five minutes after their private lesson began. Watching the two boys glare at each other after the Watcher's departure, Spike made a decision.

Crossing the room with quick strides, the Vampire swept his startled mate up into his arms and proceeded to snog the teen senseless.

Sometime later...

"Aren't you two done yet? I've stretched out and done the first three Katas four times already.

Spike lifted his head and smirked at his nephew while Harry blinked owlishly at the blondes.

"Malfoy...why aren't you freaking out about this?"

That was a rather reasonable question. Spike decided he had not done his job well enough if the Gryffindor was still able to form cogent sentences.

"Because I already know your precious little secret Potter – or should I call you Malfoy now?"

Spike rolled his eyes and groaned mentally.

Emerald green fire focused on the Vampire and he found himself slightly nervous.

"Would you care to explain that statement to me William." It wasn't a question.

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