Chapter 14

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Spike was surprised by how much Dumbledore's folly seemed to amuse his little mate – in fact it kept the boy in an absolutely fabulous mood for the rest of October and as a result, so was Spike. Even the appearance of Willow with Xander and Illyria in tow couldn't dampen his spirits.

Having Draco as a stalking horse relaxed Harry as nothing else could – not even mind blowing sex, which his happier Gryffindor now allowed them to indulge in more and more often – and a relaxed Harry was a never before observed creature.

While there relationship was still a secret, having both of the younger Malfoys in the loop provided Spike time with Harry that didn't involve frenzied sex. His demon, of course, thought that was a complete waste of time, but the rest of him lapped it up. Harry was actually a rather lively conversationalist once he got started.

Dumbledore pretended ignorance of their little family get-togethers while Lucius used Draco's wand to keep him ignorant in truth of what really went on, killing any and all listening and monitoring charms in his room. So the old man continued to think Lucius and Spike were prepping the Gryffindor to become Draco's husband. Harry was indeed learning abut the Malfoy family history and Wizarding traditions, but all three Wizards were also learning about Vampiric traditions.

Harry soaked it up like a sponge.

Spike was also interested to note Buffy leaving the infirmary just as he, Draco, and Harry were entering – on several occasions. Lucius, of course, was a fount of silence on the issue.

Personally he couldn't wait for the fireworks to start. Narcissa had been a wonderful woman and a good wife to his descendant, but she was a product of the Pureblood aristocracy; a delicate flower to be cared for and treasured. Lucius needed fire – a challenge, while Buffy needed a strong hand to curb her... enthusiasm.

Quite a pair they would make.

Not to mention the werewolves – the werewolves who had moved from being amusing to annoying thirty seconds after Red arrived on the grounds. They circled each other warily nipping at the other's flanks. Maybe two alpha wolves would be able to anchor the Witch where a lone individual had failed.

On top of that, Illyria had taken to following around Harry's little friend Neville Bigbottom or something, Angel seemed to be stalking his nephew, and Xander was being... well Xander!

Love was apparently in the air – and it was driving him bloody well insane.

The only mercy the Powers had seen fit to bestow upon them was that Remus had bought the 'Shrieking Shack' over the Summer, so for the most part the Sunnydale crew was confined outside the school and away from him.

He really was glad they were here, though. His mate needed protection and while he was confident in his own abilities, there was no one else he trusted more to back him up than the Scoobies – not that he would ever, ever, ever admit that to them.

Spike was snapped out of his wandering thoughts by a handful of fifth year Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws settling themselves in a bit early for class.

That was more than enough woolgathering for one day, he had children to nurture... and just how wrong was that?


Harry skipped down the hall, heading for the Halloween Feast – or tried to skip. At nearly four months pregnant he was starting to show now and who would have thought such a small bump could throw his center of gravity completely out of wack? So in actuality he bounced back and forth between Hermione and Ron all the way from Gryffindor Tower to the Great Hall.

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