Chapter 16

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On Friday December sixth Harry sat in the Great Hall eating his dinner and wondering how exactly to announce the identity of the father of his daughter. He'd summarily chosen this date back in October, partially because he'd wanted it done before Christmas and partially because it was the day after his three month – or really his sixth month – check up. But how exactly did one announce something like this?

Glancing up from his stew he caught William's gaze and gave a small, sickly smile; William just quirked that scarred eyebrow at him. The vampire wasn't pressuring him, he'd even offered to tell everyone himself so Harry wouldn't fret about it but, being a Gryffindor, the brunette had decided that it was his responsibility – now he just wished he'd let William do it.

Suddenly the doors to the Great Hall were flung open. Dumbledore stood, frowning angrily and Harry's forehead met the palm of his own hand with a smack followed by a groan as Fudge sauntered into the Hall followed by Percy Weasley and six Wizards Harry assumed were Aurors.

"Minister Fudge," Dumbledore greeted flatly. "How nice of you to stop by," his tone and expression told everyone just how untrue that statement was.

"I'm sorry to say Albus that this is not a social call," Fudge said loudly, glancing around to make sure he had everyone's attention. "I've come to collect Mister Potter."

Gasps filled the Hall and Harry shot to his feet – as best he could with his bulk and constant lethargy.

"What for," the brunette called.

Fudge turned to face the enraged Gryffindor, eyes wide in feigned surprise. "Why to protect you Mister Potter," he said as if speaking to a dim-witted five year old.

"From what, exactly?"

"Why, from yourself and all those who would wish to take advantage of your position."

Harry snorted. If that was the case, who was going to protect him from Fudge?

"You are a minor, Mister Potter-,"

Harry cut in, "Being a Bearer emancipates me."

"Under normal circumstances, yes. Once a Bearer becomes pregnant they legally become an adult, but it has become apparent to me by your inability to name the father of your child that you have either been abandoned by this scoundrel or were impregnated against your will. Either way, without a partner you are vulnerable and it is my duty as a self respecting Wizard to see to your wellbeing. Obviously the staff of this institution has forgotten their responsibilities."

Harry gaped at the man, his mouth opening and closing like a fish. Across the hall he saw Draco stand and head quickly for the Gryffindor table. Shifting his head slightly he saw that William was also standing although he had not yet left the dais where the teachers' table sat. The vampire's eyes had gone golden.

Draco had just reached his side when Harry pulled himself back together, "I think there has been a misunderstanding here, Minister Fudge. I was neither raped nor abandoned and the father of my daughter has been by my side since day one."

Harry was rather proud of his matter of fact tone.

"Really Mister Potter? Somehow I doubt that."

Shocked exclamations filled the hall – the Minister of Magic had just called a Bearer a liar! It was the equivalent to calling the Muggle Queen of England a bint!

"My name is Potter-Malfoy, Minister."

Harry thought it was a wonder that the student population didn't all hyperventilate from all their gasping and after a moment several did pass out.

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