Chapter 10

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Spike escorted his adorably sputtering mate back to Gryffindor tower – followed closely by the watch-wolves. By the time he'd made it back to Dumbledore's office and flooed to Diagon Alley, he was grinding his teeth. His demon wanted to reassure itself that Harry and their child were fine – and to reassert his claim on them.

The blonde stalked from the Leaky Cauldron and into Muggle London; he had a phone call to make.


Monday evening, Spike was heading to the Defense classroom, sans robes, for his first evening session with his mate and his nephew. It was going to be a very short lesson if he had his way. For the most part his lesson plan consisted of booting his nephew from the room and shagging his mate senseless.

It was an excellent plan in his opinion.

"Ah, Professor Aurelias."

Spike stifled his groan.

"You have a visitor in my office."

"I have a class, Sir."

"He assures me it won't take long."

Spike did groan this time and followed Dumbledore to his office. He had a sinking feeling that like all of his best plans, this one was about to be shot to pieces.

"What in Gods name do you think you are doing in a school Spike? Of all the ridiculous, stupid, insane-"

"Hey now! I've got plenty to offer the kiddies-"

"Very funny Spike, I very seriously doubt that a British Wizarding School teaches classes on American soap operas or Crypt Living 101."

"Oh very funny Giles."

"Gentlemen, gentlemen!" Dumbledore broke in, "I was going to excuse myself and allow you two to catch up, but somehow I think that might be a mistake. Why don't you both have a seat," the old man waved to two chairs in front of his desk before taking his own behind it.

"I can't believe you came here Rupert. Was it too hard to UPS a couple of books? You do know about UPS, right Watcher-boy? You know, 'What can brown do for you'?"

"Why you little-"

"Children!" Dumbledore's voice had both of them looking at the shoes just like...schoolboys.

"So Mister Giles, to what do we owe the pleasure of your company?"

Spike buried his head in his hands – Dumbledore's eyes were twinkling like mad.

"Spike called me Friday needing information...let's just say it is a rare and generally apocalyptic situation when Blondie-bear asks for help."

"Indeed," Dumbledore popped a lemon drop in his mouth.

"I needed information on Demons and unfortunately, Hogwarts is a bit light in that subject. I hoped the books would help Mister Potter identify the Demons that tried to snatch him."

"Harry Potter?"

"Yes Rupert."

"Dear Lord!" Giles glared at Dumbledore, "You mean to tell me that you allowed that," the Watcher pointed at the blonde, "...that, that....Spike! You let Spike near Harry-Bloody-Potter!"

"Harry-Bloody-Potter is standing right behind you and he happens to like his classes with Proffessor Aurelias, thank you ever so much."

Spike hid his snicker at Giles' rather interesting expression that alternated back and forth between embarrassment and awe. He was also amused to see his nephew standing nervously behind the irate Gryffindor.

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