Chapter 4

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Harry woke slowly. Laying there he wallowed in the feeling of boneless-ness that consumed him. Closing his eyes he grinned at the flashes of memory from last night's activities. He felt...good and he honestly couldn't think of a time he'd felt anywhere close to this good. The waiting feeling was well and truly gone, replaced with utter contentment and a coil of excitement that wound tighter each time he thought of William.

Slipping silently from his bed, he grabbed clean clothes from his trunk and hit the shower, enjoying the early morning solitude. Toweling off, he examined himself in the full length mirror. Thankfully all the dorm mirrors were charmed to be silent from after dinner to just before breakfast.

He knew William was a vampire, it had been kind of hard to miss, and he knew William had bitten him – among other things – but the bite mark was completely healed now. If you didn't know what you were looking at you'd see only some white blemishes on his throat, but the bite was there; a Claiming Mark, the first of four marks that declared him William's mate.

He couldn't wait to get the other three.


The day passed in a pleasurable blur that not even Snape's insults could penetrate. Strangely the Gryffindor found himself rather energized...and finished all the homework assigned the day before and most of today's assignments as well. Hermione wound up staring at him all through dinner, eyes wide in shock when he'd shown her the completed work – he'd had to to stop her from haranguing him about not taking school seriously.

He lagged behind the others on the way back to the tower, tired of their questions and probing looks.

The mark on his neck tingled, making the Gryffindor moan softly as he was jerked abruptly into a narrow side corridor. He didn't resist, knowing it was his blonde vampire that pulled him into an unused classroom.

He nearly melted on the spot at the look in William's eyes when he was spun to face the taller man. That look alone had him aching and on the edge. But tonight was no frantic first time, no race to be the one to make a claim. He could see it in William's ocean blue eyes, in the languorous way he backed Harry against a wooden worktable.

Without breaking eye contact the vampire stripped the boy; first the tie and robes, then vest and shirt. Harry toed off his shoes and socks before kicking his already lowered pants and boxers away.

Only then, when he was completely nude did Williams eyes leave his own. Harry could literally feel where those eyes traveled, muscles tightening as if actually caressed.

Harry braced his hands on the table behind him and waited.


Spike held himself very still as he took in the beauty before him. And Harry was beautiful, a little too skinny, but beautiful with all that pale skin crowned with flashing emerald eyes and wild chestnut locks.

This boy would be completely his by the end of the week and no one could stop it.

Smirking the vampire dropped to his knees and took one of the boy's...attributes...into his mouth.


Ten minutes before curfew Harry once again stumbled into the Gryffindor common room, only this time it was very much occupied.

"Cor, Harry, what happened to you?" Ron asked, mouth gaping.

Harry couldn't stop his blush. "I just went for a walk Ron," he murmured.

"Were you fighting with Malfoy again?" Hermione accused.

"No 'Mione, I just went for a walk."

Ron smirked, "Who is she Harry?"

The brunette blinked, "What?"

"You look thoroughly snogged mate! You gotta tell me who it is!"

Harry could see all the other Gryffindors turning towards them. Everybody was always so bloody interested in his life!

"I said I went for a walk Ron," Harry snapped, "If that's what I said I did, then that's what I did. Now I'm going to bed! Any objections?" He glared at everyone making them turn away before storming upstairs.


"Hey 'Mione, did Harry buy a new cologne? He smelled really good," Ron said looking toward the dorm entrance.

Hermione had gone back to her book. "I hadn't really noticed Ron. However, I wouldn't ask him about having a girlfriend again."

"I noticed," Dean commented, leaning against the back of the couch Ron was occupying. He joined the redhead in contemplating the dorm doorway. "He really is a good looking bloke..."

Ron scrunched up his face, "Ugh Dean! I did not ever want to see my best friend in that light! Thank you for scarring me for life!"


Harry lay in his four poster bed, curtains drawn, wearing only his boxers. Sliding his hand under the fabric he caressed the new mark high on his inner thigh. He couldn't stop his moan at the memories of what William had done...down there.

Two marks down, two to go.

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