Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Dear William,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and good spirits.

I know that we have only spoken once, but I pray that your appearance at mine and Lucius' wedding was a sign of your concern for, if not the individual members, the line of Malfoy itself. If it is then I, Narcissa Malfoy of the House of Black, beg you to return home to insure our family's survival.

I will speak plainly.

As you may know, a Dark Wizard has risen to power here and Lucius chose to join his cause. Recently however, my husband failed in a mission and is currently held in Azkaban Prison.

The Dark Lord was and still is enraged over this failure and wishes to punish Lucius further. He has given Draco, our only son and the last heir of Malfoy, an impossible task. If my son is not killed during the attempt, then he will be executed by Lord Voldemort when he inevitably fails.

I love my son William, more than anything in this world. He is a good boy but he will attempt to do this thing, no matter how vile, in the vain attempt to make his father proud. He believes by following the Dark Lord, following in Lucius' footsteps, he will earn the love and respect Lucius has always withheld from him.

Please William, for the love of Merlin – by all things sacred, please – please come home and protect our Draconus Hephaistion Malfoy.

Your Servant,

Narcissa Anneliese Calixte Malfoy-Black


William Hephaistion Malfoy, also known as William the Bloody and currently called Spike, Master Vampire with a soul and reluctant 'White Hat', carefully refolded the parchment in his hands.

He took a look around the dingy crypt he'd been holed up in for the past few weeks and smirked. He was going home...and it was about bloody time.

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