Wrong Move

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"Do you have any questions?" Yoongi asked as we stopped in front of the last warehouse. 
"Just one," I said. 
"What is it?" 
"What did I get myself into?"

"Look, I'm not crazy about having you here either. But, if you don't want to get yourself kidnapped or killed, you're going to have to go through a bit of training," I explained as we made our way back to the main warehouse.
"And exactly what kind of training do I have to do?" She questioned. 
"Don't worry about that for right now. I'm going to have you start off with something simple. You're going to go with JHope and do some runs around town," I continued to explain to her.
"Why can't we take her out?" A voice spoke up.
Jennie and I turned around to see BamBam and Yugyeom standing there with a little pout.
"Cause I need her to be with someone that has lots of experience. The two of you have only been doing it for a few months and the last time that you guys went out to do your job, some of the others had to come over and save your asses. I don't need our newest member to be in that kind of trouble on the first day," I said with a cold stare as the two shrunk in size.
"Go get Hope, he has customers waiting for him," I said making the two younger ones run off into the warehouse.  
"Do you really need to be so hard on them? I mean, they're just kids. They'll make mistakes-" "Mistakes could get you killed in this business. They're lucky the last time they made a 'mistake' I had some people not far from them to back them up," I said turning my attention back to Jennie.
Before she could argue back, Hoseok walked out of the warehouse with a duffel bag slung over his shoulder.
"Ready to go sunshine?" He asked as I lightly pushed her towards him.
"Don't worry hyung, I'll keep an eye on her for ya," He said giving me a wink before getting into the car that was parked up front.
"I swear Hope, if you do anything to her, I'll cut off your dick," I threatened.
"Looks like someone is already possessive," He chuckled. "Don't worry, I don't do anything to her. Maybe," He said with a smile on his face before driving off.
Aish that kid.

Once JHope and I pulled away from the warehouses, the car ride became quiet, until he decided to speak up. 
"So how do you know Suga? Or should I call him Yoongi around you?" He asked as he stole a glance to me before looking back at the road.
"We were childhood friends until I had to move to the states because my dad got a job there," I said looking out the window. "How about you? How do you know 'Suga'?" I asked as I turned my attention to the man behind the wheel. 
"We were friends in high school. Suga, Jin, Rapmon, and I. Suga and Jin were Seniors while Namjoon and Juniors," He said with a small smile. 
"H-how did you end up being part of this? The gang," I tried asking, hopping that it won't set him off. 
"It was actually Suga's idea. He was dealing some drugs in school between classes, during classes, before and after school. One day he got into some trouble with the guy that he was selling for and at that time wanted out, but couldn't. He came to us asking for help. At first we thought he was joking until a group of guys came and attempted to kill us. We at first didn't want any part of it, but at that point, we didn't want Yoongi to deal with it himself. So at time went on and we took down that guys empire and started our own, slowly starting up our own," He said as we stopped at a stop light.
"D-do you mind if I ask you something personal?" I hesitated to ask, but the curisosity started to eat at me. 
"Sure. I mean if Yoongi trusts you enough to have you around, I trust you," He said with a smile. 
"What's your family like and what made you actually want to join?" I asked. 

"Actually after what happened with the guys, I did not want to be part of any of it so the guys told me that I didn't have to join if I didn't want to. So I didn't. But a few months later, another group of guys came after me and put me in the hospital. At the time I was in critical conditions and the doctors didn't think I wasn't going to make it without the surgery that my family or I couldn't afford. The boys found out what happened and paid for everything without me or my family knowing. When I did find out that it was them who saved my life, I decided to join cause I knew then that they would take a bullet for me at any time," He said as the light turned green and we continued to drive to our destination. "As for my family. Huh, where do I even start? My parents got divorced when I was about ten and my sister was I think fifteen at the time. My mom left the both of us with our dad who was an abusive alcoholic. Whenever me or my sister didn't do something right or a certain way, he would hit us. When I was thirteen and my sister was eighteen, he would sometimes have men sleep with her for money, but the money wasn't for me or my sister. It was only for him to buy more alcohol. Ever since then, every time I saw my sister was when she was depressed. By the time she was twenty, she committed suicide because she couldn't take it anymore. She couldn't stand being with a different guy every day just for them to use her. The night that I found her dead in her own bed room, I killed my dad. He didn't deserve to live while my sister took her own life. That was my first time attempting murder and honestly I would be lying when I say that I didn't enjoy doing it. It's because of my dad, I turned out like this. If my mom decided to take my sister and I, she still would be alive and I don't think I would have the guts to kill any one," He finished off once we pulled into a alleyway and JHope parked the car.
"I-I'm sorry to hear that. I didn't mean to bring back-"
"It's fine," He turned to me with a sad smile. "The only people I count as family now is the gang and you as our new addition," He said nudging my arm a bit making me let out a small smile.
"So, what exactly am I doing here?" I asked trying to change the subject.
"You're going to watch how dealing works. It's not always about selling the drugs or weapons. Sometimes there are some customers who don't keep their word when they say they'll pay us back later," He explained shaking his head. 
As he continued to explain, a guy walked into the alley.
"Just stay by the car and watch what I do, alright?" He said and I nodded before we both stepped out of the car. 
Customer after customer everything went smoothly.
"Alright, we have one more deal to do and we're done for the day," JHope said as he walked back to me with the cash from the previous customer in hand. 
We both waited for a good fifteen minutes before our last customer showed up and JHope did his thing once more. 
"Do you have my money?" He asked the guy. 
"I-I promise I'll get your money by next week," The guy said with pleading eyes. 
"That's funny cause you said the same exact thing to me last week and I let it slide by. Now I'm going to ask you once more, where is my money," JHope asked and I could tell by his change of tone that he meant business. 
"Please, my daughter is still in the hospital and all my money is going towards her hospital an surgery bill. I can't afford to pay you back right now," The man continued. 
"Then you should have thought about that before asking me to let you slide last week. I'm was expecting to get what you owed me last week plus that you owe me now. If I don't get my money soon, you're going to have to find another dealer to go to AFTER you pay off your debt with me," JHope said with a serious tone.
"But that's over a hundred thousand grand! I can't get that kind of money in such a short time! Come on there has to be some other way," The guy desperately said before looking over at me. "I see you have a new partner," He said as he scanned me up and down making me uncomfortable. 
"She's not part of the deal nor on the menu. Don't even look at her," JHope growled. 
"You must be getting it good. She looks like she's good in bed," The guy said with a sly smile playing across his face. 
"You leave her out of this!" JHope yelled.
"Then forget about my debt or else I do something to that pretty piece of meat over there," The guy said as he continued to check me out. 
"You're going to have to get by me first," JHope said as he stepped closer to the guy. 
"Don't need to," The guy said and suddenly there was a gunshot and things started to go blurry. 
My whole body felt on fire, but once I brought up my hand to my face, I saw that it was covered in blood. I looked down and saw that my side was bleeding. I looked up to see JHope beating the guy up before pulling his gun out and shooting the guy dead on the spot before running over to me. 
"Jennie? Jennie, stay with me. Come on you have to stay with me. We're going to get you back to the warehouse," He said as he picked me up bridle style and gently put me in the passenger side of the car before running over to the driver side and speeding through the town. 
"You're going to be okay Jennie. Just stay awake. Talk to me. Tell me about you," He said in a rush trying to keep me to. 
"I-I-I'm an only child, I-I-I don't like seaweed, I-" I tried to continue but I was getting sleepy. 
"No, no, no! Jennie! Jennie stay with me!" Was the last thing I head from JHope before passing out.

I was in my office that was in the main warehouse when I heard commotion coming from downstairs. I walked out of my office over to the balcony to see everyone crowding over by the entrance.
"What the hell is going on?!" I yelled out. 
"It's Jennie," Mark said looking up at me. 
I didn't waste any more time and practically ran down the stairs. 
Once I got to the main floor everyone moved to the side for me to see Jennie in Hoseok's arms. 
"Where the hell is Jin?!" I yelled and instantly Jin appeared. 
"Put her on the table. Quickly!" He yelled making Hoseok and BM quickly and gently got her on the surgery table. 
"What the fuck happened out there?!" I yelled at Hoseok who was sitting next to Jennie holding her hand. 
"Kim shot her. He didn't have my payment from last week and was asking me to extend it since he's already paying for his daughter's hospital and surgery bill. When I told him that I still wasn't going to extend it, he started to verbally abuse Jennie which got me aggravated. I didn't know that he had a gun with him so I guess when I was about to confront him, he pulled it out and shot her," He explained. 
As I listened to his explanation I started to get enraged and ran my hand through my hair. 
"Where's Kim now?" I asked trying to calm down
"I killed him right then and there before rushing over here," He said finally looking up at me. 
"We're going to have a talk after this and you better hope that Jin can save her. Cause if not, I'm coming after you next," I threatened. "Jimin, V, Kook! Go to the hospital and go pay that assholes family a visit. Make sure you don't leave any traces that could lead back to us," I said as the three of them started getting ready to go out. 
"What's going on here?" A voice suddenly appeared behind us. I turned around to see the three close friends. Oh fuck... 
"Look, I don't want you guys to-" 
"I-is that Jennie?!" Rose cried out seeing Jin trying to revive her friend. 
"You guys should go outside," I suggested trying my best to get the three girls out of the warehouse, but they wouldn't leave. It gotten to the point where Namjoon, Matthew, and Mark had to carry them outside kicking and screaming. 
I turned back to the girl that was practically laying lifeless. 
I just got you back, please don't leave me yet, Jennie...

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