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Somewhere in Hyde Park, London’s most big and beautiful park, Liam and Zayn are enjoying ice skating in the artificial ice rink. The ice rink is not crowded, but still with a few people on there, every once in a while people falling on their butts and some other doing pirouettes and tricks. There’s Christmas music in the air, along with cold air and little snowflakes falling from the sky. And if this couldn’t be cheesier, there’s Christmas lights hanging from light post to light post on the park, making the night much more beautiful.

Thank god, Zayn and Liam know how to skate without falling on their asses and Zayn is rather enjoying this time because he now knew destiny was trying to tell him something. Maybe this guy, Liam, could be someone significant in his life.

“Now, tell me you’re not here just visiting for the holidays,” Liam says, trying to keep his balance, “Or you’re about to marry someone.”

“None of the above,” Zayn says giggling, “What about you?”

“Nope,” Liam says proudly.

Liam has found during this short period of time that the boy it’s not from London but from Bradford and that even if he misses his family so much, he’s living here because of his work.

“So you don’t tell me your name, right?” Liam says trying to come up with something, “So tell me, what do you miss the most about Bradford?”

“Ugh god, I think my mom,” Zayn says, just a little bit embarrassed, “I miss her terribly.”

“Well, if I were her, I’d miss you too,” Liam says, turning to see the boy skating next to him, smiling lightly at the weak flirting.

The ice rink started to empty but none of these two boys minded a bit. They were too enchanted and into their conversation they didn’t care about time or weather. Just the two of them.

“Okay now,” Zayn says now, not shy anymore, “Favorite movie?”

“That would be the Breakfast Club,” Liam says, with heavy breathe.

“Never seen it,” Zayn answers him.

“Wait, what?” Liam turns to look now at the boy, “How come? It’s one of the best movies ever and you haven’t seen it?!”

“Nope, sorry,” Zayn says smiling apologetically.

Liam huffs then, not able to comprehend how anyone hasn’t seen the Breakfast Club.

“Umm, favorite London moment?” Zayn asks, trying to change the topic.

Liam stops there, thinking about the multiple times he had stopped and thought about loving this city so much, but nothing was nearly as good as this night.

“I think this night is climbing my top ones,” Liam says with a smirk on his face.

“M’ flattered,” Zayn says returning the cheeky smile.

“So, is there anything else you need to know about me?” Liam says, getting tired of skating around after—holy fuck, nearly three hours.

“Hmh,” Zayn hums, thinking about what could possibly be interesting to ask. He has something in mind but—well, it’s rather private and—well who cares.

“Favorite sexual position?” Zayn asks, avoiding Liam’s look, not stopping on the skate.

Liam is there, standing frozen, not expecting the question and now he doesn’t know what to answer, and with wide eyes and mouth open, he suddenly sees Zayn falling and hitting on the ice ground.

“Oh shit,” Liam says in a low voice, running towards Zayn to help him, “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, yeah sorry,” Zayn says getting up from the ground, helping himself with Liam’s body.

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