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 “Are you afraid?” Louis says from beside, both of them sitting on their spots on the train that is taking them to London.

“Sort of, yeah,” Zayn says, looking outside the window.

“Do you even know where are we staying the night?” Louis says.

“Well,” Zayn says, trying to come up with an answer, “There’s this hotel where Liam and I entered that night,” Zayn says, trying to remember how they entered and got in the elevators, “It seemed like a nice hotel; I think it was the Corinthia Hotel,” Zayn says, turning to smile to Louis.

“Well, if it luxurious, then I’m good with it,” Louis says, leaning back on his seat and closing his eyes, “Because I’m definitely taking advantage of this little gift of mine.”

“Of course you are,” Zayn says puffing, rolling his eyes.

   ❅    ❄    ❅    ❄ 

When they arrive to London, is almost 7:00 pm and well, they first need to get their stuff to the hotel. Louis is a bit sleepy and cranky, because that’s how it is every time Zayn has to wake Louis but he’s come to deal with it.

“Come on Lou,” Zayn says, carrying his own suitcase, “As fast as we leave the things on the hotel, I’ll take you to that place—Serendipity—and you can eat all you want.”

“Ugh, there better be Yorkshire tea in that damn place, because I need one.” And Zayn simply laughs.

They step outside of King Cross, looking for a cab, because Louis refuses to take the tube. They take a cab that takes him to the Corinthia Hotel in less than fifteen minutes, which is a record because the traffic in London is really heavy.

They arrive and get out of the cab, paying the driver and saying thanks. Louis looks up at the great building in front of him, looking the architecture and great details.

“Well, aren’t you treating me nicely?” Louis says, nudging Zayn.

Zayn chuckles and shakes his head, entering into the lobby.

“Hey, hi,” Zayn says nicely to the lady behind the counter, “We would like a room, preferably with separate beds.”

“Oh Zaynie, you know you’re still fucking me tonight,” Louis says from behind, flattering his eyelashes, smirking like an idiot.

The lady behind the counter coughs awkwardly and Zayn just shakes his head.

“Well, lucky for you, there’s still some rooms available,” the lady says, looking at the computer, “We have a wedding tomorrow and the family and friends have been booking, but there’s still rooms available.”

“Perfect,” Zayn says smiling, “We’ll take one of those.”

The lady nods and starts typing on the computer, asking a few questions and then asking Zayn how he is going to pay.

“Oh credit card,” Zayn says, handing her the plastic card.

“Hey, is that a new credit card?” Louis says, noticing the new shinny piece of plastic.

“Yeah, I lost the old one like, three months ago and I had to cancel that account,” Zayn says shrugging.

“Oh,” Louis simply says.

“Here’s your keys to the room,” the lady says, giving Zayn two cards, “I leave the account open and whenever you feel like leaving, we’ll give you the total of your consume.”

“Perfect,” Zayn says, smiling and saying thanks, turning around to take their suitcases and go to the room.

“You heard what she said?” Louis says, a grin on his face.

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