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“Do you really think I should go?” Louis asks, putting on a baby blue button up shirt in front of the mirror inside the bathroom.

“I don’t know mate,” Zayn says, lying on the hotel bed, flipping through the TV channels, trying to search for something good.

“I mean, Sophia and I were really good friends, but I can’t help to feel a little uninvited?” Louis says, finishing with his shirt and turning to see Zayn.

“Well, if you don’t want to go, don’t,” Zayn says simply, not bothering on glancing Louis.

“No, no, I want to go!” Louis says, “But I don’t want to feel awkward,” Louis says, now styling his hair, “Maybe, I don’t know, if you could come with me—,”

“Oh hell no,” Zayn says simply.

“Argghhh,” Louis groans, “Please Zayn, I need you!”

“No Louis, you don’t,” Zayn says finally leaving on a rerun of FRIENDS, “You only want to go to the wedding to see if you can suit yourself a good looking man.”

“Well yeah,” Louis says not fully smiling, “Though I don’t know after today’s curly lad.”

“Curly? You mean the guy you met earlier?” Zayn says now turning to see Louis.

“Yeah I mean, he was a ten and I don’t know what to do after that,” Louis says shrugging, “Guess I’ll have to settle with an eight.”

“Jesus christ, you will settle with a five if it means sure sex tonight,” Zayn says rolling his eyes, “Don’t play it as you are the difficult one.”

“Just shush it,” Louis says, “Now, what shoes am I wearing? I can’t wear my Vans!”

“Do you want one pair of my boots?” Zayn says.

Louis groans and turns around to see Zayn lying widely on the bed, “No way, you know I don’t like them. Never mind, Vans will do,” Louis says, sitting on the bed and putting on his Vans.

Zayn doesn’t really pay attention to Louis. He knows he just wants a shag and that’s all. Zayn is here for more serious business. He can’t help but feel that Liam must be close. He needs to do something, maybe wonder for a bit around London, even if Louis is not with him.

Maybe he should go to SELFRIDGES again. Or the ice rink he went with Liam too. Zayn doesn’t even know if that it’s still on.

“I’m going,” Louis says, watching himself in the mirror one last time, “Don’t wait for me awake!”

“Won’t,” Zayn says, smiling to Louis before this one slams the door closed.

Well, Zayn is now left alone and bored.

   ❅    ❄    ❅    ❄ 

Louis presses the button to call the lift. He remembers Sophia saying something like The Ballroom or something like that.

The lift comes and opens its door, revealing a very fit lad inside, with a neat black smoking. And well, if Louis is now watching over the lad, inspecting every feature of the lad’s body, it’s just pure coincidence.

“Hi there,” Louis says, stepping inside happily.

“Hey,” the other reply, not in the same mood.

Louis turns to see the lad again by the corner of his eye, not really being subtle, but he couldn’t care less. The guy has short brown hair, face features really marked; Louis notices he’s really well dressed and maybe he’s going to the wedding too. Louis can see the little bow around the lad’s neck and yeah, he’s definitely going to the wedding; it’s funny, because even if there’s a bow around his neck, Louis can see a birthmark right there.

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